Bible Trivia Flop

by WTWizard 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    You may have known that awful game where you start with a pack of trivia cards. You know, the one that someone reads you a question and you are supposed to answer it? That is, all the questions are about the Washtowel version of the Bible and the doctrine.

    This is supposed to be the major "entertainment" for the witlesses. I have been unfortunate enough to be in one such game. They can select one of the other participants, and they have to answer the question according to what the Washtowel Slaveholdery has for the answer. I know of no scoring system for this pathetic excuse of a game, though I imagine one might get to keep the cards in their pile if they manage to stump the other player they have selected. If the player gets it right, that player then gets control. Of course, I have only had that misfortune once and do not know for sure that's how it is supposed to work.

    However, I have a couple of propositions on how it should work. The first involves getting two different games. One has to be at least 20 years out of date, while the other should be current. This works best if the cards are identical in background and font, and thus cannot be identified. A point is awarded each time someone repeats the question (because its duplicate comes up in the other game), duplicates an answer that was correct the first time, and gets it "wrong". For instance, the "Who is the sower" question would be Jesus the first time and correct in the old edition. The next time it comes up and they say "Jesus", it is wrong because it is printed "The individual publisher". The first person to point that out gets the point.

    The other is to take a single edition of the game. You play as usual. However, a point is awarded each time someone can prove the "correct" answer wrong using the Bible. For instance, they correctly answer "The individual publisher". You take your Bible and read, right out if it, that it is Jesus. Bonus points are awarded if a fight ensues and there is bickering, arguing, and even more bonus points if they use foul language or it comes to blows. The ultimate is if one or more of the other players walks out of the religion in the aftermath.

  • snowbird

    LOL. A good one.

    Now, just think how much can be made of the men of Sodom and Gomorrah being resurrected or not.


  • halcyon

    I like the two-decks version.

    I think another element of the game should be, that there be three possible answers. 1) The answer THEN, 2) The answer NOW, and 3) The answer that I TRULY believe.

    Because I remember as a good JW, I took a LOT of exception "in my heart" and still felt I was being a good witness. "Oh, yeah, that's what they say, but I don't buy it. I'll just wait ("on Jehovah") till they come out with something I can actually believe." And I suspect this is a common thought process among those who stay in.

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