Why does "jesus" open the pit of demons?

by cameo-d 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    I know JWs teach that jesus has MPD and is also Angel Micheal. I don't know why they think this.

    But anyway...my question is....why would Jesus open the pit of demons and sic them on everybody?

    Are these demons "annointed" to do the slaughtering at armageddon?

    Who really opens this pit? and why?

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    What scriptures are you talking about? And what does MPD mean?

  • only me
    only me

    I'm guessing MPD = multiple personality disorder

  • cameo-d

    MPD, yes multiple personalities....according to what I have read, WT teaches Jesus is also archangel michael which to me seems like 2 different beings. I don't know the reason why they say that.

    But the question is...the scriptures say Jesus has the keys to heaven and hell. And also that he (or Micheal) opens the pit or the abyss. Why does he turn the demons loose if they were already bound?

    And why does the pope have the keys on his insignia?

    Key, key, who's really got the key?

    It seems to me the demons got loose a long time ago. Why do most people still regard this as a future event?

    If the demons were not already let loose, then how could WT tell you that the demons are in malfunctioning equipment and rock music?

  • cameo-d

    It seems to me the demons got loose a long time ago. Why do most people still regard this as a future event?

    If the demons were not already let loose, then how could WT tell you that the demons are in malfunctioning equipment and rock music?

  • Satanus

    Demons made your post appear twice, dam them. Actually, the wt doesn't know if demons are coming or going. They don;t know if jesus has come, is here now, or will come. They don't know if jehovah is constipated, incontinent, or still in the crapper.

    More seriously though, wt 'truth' is that demons were expelled from the heavens in or about 1914-1919to reside in the vicinity of the earth, intil jesus came again at armageddon and put them into solitary confinement for a duration of 1000 yrs.

    Perhaps, the pit opening to which you refer is in the revelashuns of john, the 'seals' being opened. If so, then what is released, according to them, are not demons, but wt mags which torment nonjws. Oww, owie, ouch.


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