I am at my girlfriends place (she lives in a completely different territory from me and I don't know any of the JW's around here), right now she's at work so I was just listening to music and reading this site and all of the sudden the door-bell rings (Must have been Jehoova's direction). I look out her window, and I see brother "old as dirt" with a tacky, out of style leisure suit, and one those stupid looking magazine purses (you know the one that they hold under their arms) and the bible in his hand, and with him is sister "desperate looking, 40 year old virgin" probably a pioneer (you know the type, the semi-homely, probably single pioneer that just spews desperation out of their pores). Well I was going to go down, answer the door, and mess with them (this area is a few hours from where I'm from so nobody knows me here), and do some undercover apostatizing. But then it clicked in my head "what if her (my girlfriends) parents (who are still JW's) sent them here to try to ENcouRAGE her to come back, and the JW's knew she lived here"? We are both faders and it would look bad if her boyfriend came down looking like he obviously spent the night and was talking "apostate" talk. That would probably be the end for the both of us.However, now that I'm on the other side of the door it makes me realize how stupid we must have looked going out to peoples houses early on cold mornings (cause it is really cold here right now) to give them crappy magazines. I wanted to get a cup of coffee but now that I know they are in the area and 10:30am is approaching it is probably best for me to stay away from any coffee houses (or McDonalds).
Some JW's just stopped by
by superman 6 Replies latest jw friends
Good for you and your girlfriend for having the balls to leave.
The outdated crappy cheap suits... yeah. I threw mine out immediately. I only have one suit - Hugo Boss. I'll never wear another cheap suit again! At least I hope I won't.
The 40 year old virgin lady... yeah, I know the type. They live in an apartment with 5 cats and talk about they're personalities all the time and how cute they are.... uuugh.
wha happened?
I think not opening the door is a bigger statement. B4 I left my territory was virtually all not at homes. U could imagine how encouraging that was
Yes, we know now that it is a pretty stupid thing to do,....but you know, I feel sorry for the individuals rather than deriding them. If they do not dress stylish, it is because they are taught that such things are "worldly" . If they get up and go out early on a cold morning, more fool them!, but I did it - we all did it - because we believed it was the right thing to do.
The difference between them and us is that they have not yet been shaken out of their rut. It took something special to make me think..maybe something will happen to them as well. It takes courage to admit that you have been wrong..lets hope they find it in themselves to do so. They are the victims .
Just remember... by not answering the door - that house was probably written down as a 'not-at-home', and they'll be back.
Jim TX -
wha happened?
we had so many not at homes sometimes we just didn't bother going back
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Free thinking is a good thing isn't it? In your shoes I would still be tempted to at least open up the door and let them in out of the cold and offer them something hot to drink. If they were aware of your gf's identityy, you might have created a real quagmire for her and you too for that matter. If they were not aware of who she is and you open the door, you get on as a return visit....which might be worswe than the first scenario. Nicely done!
(you know the type, the semi-homely, probably single pioneer that just spews desperation out of their pores)
Yep, I know the type. Homely by design in about 90% of the cases. They focus too much on the appearance of piety than actually embracing themselves and living piously naturally. Because, if they were happy inside they would glow with the natural beauty within every woman. If they were sexually satisfied they would ooze joy through their pores instead of desperation. If they loved and felt loved they would ooze the power that comes with being a well rounded and vital person.