freedom is a funny thing.
someone fights for it, then as soon as they get it they try to stop others enjoying it.
as far as tibet is concerned i dont know, to be honest.
i remember a saying i think ive got it right.
"here comes the new boss. same as the old boss"
you talk about freedom, but who enjoys real freedom ?
palastinians demand a free palastine. As soon as they get it they will be under the thumb of
corrupt generals, and mullahs.
in my country, Northern Ireland. people have wanted freedom for centuries.
but the freedom from britian means slavery to corrupt terrorist criminal gangs.
America is the most free country in the world. But without sounding too prosaic,
they are slaves to the gun, and drugs. Their police can kill you even though your unarmed, and you will still be dead.
how many americans can get to be president ? are they any freer than the tibetians ?
i wouldnt care if we had alian overlords, as long as they were as good or (hopefully)
better than the current ones.
ps im not picking on you yanks. Ireally love America