I am the first person to say JW's should be exposed for the flip flops in doctrine, the United Nation scandal, the pedophillia cases, and all of the things that they have said and did since Charles Taze Russell started this religion. But at the same time it makes me angry when I hear or read some things that ex-jw's and apostates print up about JW's. Tell the truth and the truth will set you free Jesus Christ admonished his disciples and I totally agree. I have heard ex-jws say that Jehovah's Witnesses worship a head of lettuce, I have heard ex-jws say that JW's don't believe in Jesus, I have heard that JW's condone child molestation which I truly believe the sincere JW's that really believe that they have the truth detest child molestation. There are alot of bad apples in the JW's bunch that will turn their head when they see someone has been abused, but I don't think that this can be said of all JW's and it makes me made when ex-jw's and apostates lump all JW's into this catergory. They do the same thing that they complain JW's do when JW's say that ex-jws are all drug addicts, immoral, drunks, sleeping around, etc; When ex-jws and apostates condemn JW's don't say "all" Jw's do this and that. That is no different if I said "all" white people are "racists" or "all" black people can dance or "all" hispanics speak spanish. I know lots of hispanics that cannot speak a word of spanish, I know some black people that cannot dance if there life depending on it, I know some white people that are very nice and don't show themselves to be racist. I can detect a racist person if I spend one hour talking to them.
Do ex-jws and anti-jw's born-agains hurt their case when they make up thing
by booker-t 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was really interested in reading what you have to say.
Until I got to the word "apostates" and that did it for me.
Maybe someone else will respond to your post in better fashion than I am able to.
But at the same time it makes me angry when I hear or read some things that ex-jw's and apostates print up about JW's. Tell the truth and the truth will set you free Jesus Christ admonished his disciples and I totally agree. I have heard ex-jws say that Jehovah's Witnesses worship a head of lettuce, I have heard ex-jws say that JW's don't believe in Jesus, I have heard that JW's condone child molestation which I truly believe the sincere JW's that really believe that they have the truth detest child molestation. There are alot of bad apples in the JW's bunch that will turn their head when they see someone has been abused, but I don't think that this can be said of all JW's and it makes me made when ex-jw's and apostates lump all JW's into this catergory.
I absolutely agree. There are many wonderful Jehovah's Witnesses. I am related to some of them.
It just happened that I woke up to the deception of the WBTS, as yet they are still slumbering.
They are not bad people, just deceived. I love them.
In order to make a good case against them, you can't use anything misleading yourself.
For the most part, much of the information I read here is just pointing out contradictions, which is good. What I *dont* like is when things to prove them wrong are taken out of context just like they do. I'm extremely sensitive to the tactics, so I question what I read here just as much as I question what I read there. So exaggerations, personal gripes, etc., while I understand their motivation, actually weaken the honest argument. -
Sad emo
Tell the truth and the truth will set you free Jesus Christ admonished his disciples and I totally agree.
the real quote:
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
My humble view is that within the context of Jesus' actual words, those who leave the WT have been truly set free from a lie - what they will do with their freedom is immaterial - the point is they have been set free from the lie that held them.
I also don't know where you've seen ex-JWs tarring all JWs with the same brush - would that be all ex-JWs you're accusing?!
Who are making up a big thing? I realize that there are "some" that label everyone involved, but I do not believe the majority really says, "all" JW's" do this or that! Like any other organization, group or religion there are many beautiful people within, not all are twisted! Reality though is this, the JW congregations have ignored and covered up pedophillia cases for many years and only started to change things in the early 80's. I Know this, as I have intimate details on more than one abuse situation in the congregation I grew up in. If you cry, and I know this factually, in some elders committee meetings you can be forgiven just because you showed remorse! Big woopdee doo! Crying is easy for some and the victims were viewed as the guilty ones because they didnt say.. awww.. you apologized and you cried.. your forgiven. Bite me I say! Tell me how ones who have been in this situation should respond? No police report!, because it is wrong! No one trained to truly understand and know how to handle situations like this because education is not allowed! You truly cannot ignore this fact unless you truly have no concept of the realties involved in them and have gone through them yourself. I recommend that you do more research, dig deep and listen to those who speak out on issues relating to the JW faith. We do not tell stories! We lived what we share! Pull your head out of the sand and truly see whats going on, if you just go by what the organization has to say you are allowing yourself to be programmed like a robot, what strong human being would want that? I was once one of those drones, I am greatfull to have found my own brain! Please do not insult the majority of us here by lumping us all together with just haters, most of us here have travelled a long road and were once true believers only to come to a place in life where we realized due to deep thought, study and personal experiences that we were all duped and what we focussed our entire lives on was just a controlling cult who required all members to be thoughtless robots in order to belong. I am so thankful to have regained control of my mental processes unlike the years I was trained to be a yes man saluter to anything taught. LTF
What do you consider yourself, an ex-jw or apostate?
They are not bad people, just deceived. I love them. That is MY stand also