I went looking for information on the Watchtower. I came across a main-stream news you-tube video on the alleged JW's baby rapers. There was a link for related videos. Dozens of videos on Watchtower occult origins in the Free-masons, personal testimonies and videos about the dark side of the Watchtower. Many Free-masons are simply decent folks in a peculiar club. But -
Charles Taze Russell was a lunatic-fringe Free Mason and to think he believed that measuring the length of a hallway in The Great Pyramid of Giza could predict the future - and the very Return of Jesus Christ - is likely to qualify him as certifiably delusional. Does DSM-IV have a section on delusional prognosticators?
What would the criteria for such a thing as "Acute Charles Russellism" be?
Here is the You-Tube link for the videos:
If you are sympathetic to the Watchtower and think they are too holy to be accused and guilty of moral terpitude go away and leave this link alone. But do view the videos.
Many regards,