Court Puts Woman's Stoning on Hold.....

by closer2fine 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • closer2fine

    shit....I guess it still is a mans world.


    Court Puts Woman's Stoning on Hold

    LAGOS (Reuters) - A Nigerian sharia court of appeal has ordered a stay of execution for a woman sentenced to be stoned to death for having sex outside of marriage, despite her contention that she was raped, officials said Monday.

    The court granted the stay to allow Safiya Hussaini, 33, a divorced mother of five, to appeal her sentence by a lower sharia court in the northwest Sokoto state.

    Hussaini said the court had imposed the sentence after she asked it to force a man who she said raped her three times and impregnated her to pay for her infant daughter's naming ceremony.

    She said that when she was pressured by her family to charge the man with rape, the court dismissed the charges against him, citing a lack of evidence because she was the sole witness.(remind anyone of a particular religion?) Instead they charged the divorced Hussaini with "adultery" and sentenced her to death in mid-October. She was given 30 days to appeal.

    The judgement has sparked international outrage and could lead to a constitutional showdown between the central government, which has threatened to intervene, and regional authorities.

    "The judge said the execution should be put on hold until the final determination of the woman's appeal by the higher court," Sokoto state spokesman Nasirdeen Abubakar said by telephone from Sokoto, the state capital.

    Officials declined to comment further on the case, saying they did not want to be charged with contempt by the court.

    They had said Hussaini was sentenced to death because she was divorced. Had she never been married, the sentence would have been 100 lashes.

    The federal government has said it will not allow the sentence to be carried out but officials in Sokoto said the federal government had not contacted them about the sentence.

    An appeal does not necessarily guarantee a stay. In January a 16-year accused of having premarital sex was given 100 lashes despite her pending appeal of the sentence. She also said she was raped.

    Hussaini is the first person to be sentenced to death since 1999, when regional governments first introduced the strict sharia code in predominantly Muslim parts of northern Nigeria.

    The introduction of sharia has been highly controversial in Nigeria, where it has been introduced in more than a third of the 36 states. There were two bouts of riots in the northern Kaduna state over plans to introduce sharia. More than 1000 people died in the first riot in February 2000.


  • RationalWitness

    Shades of the "New World"!!!


  • Xena

    hhhmmm dosn't it take TWO to commit adultry..what happens to the men?

    That just totally sucks!

  • ISP

    The men get away!


  • Bridgette

    Thanks for posting this. Here is Amnesty's take on it. If anyone cares to add their voice to this: (she has a 5 month old baby), and this type of court action is happening a lot in the north of Nigeria against women.

    Action Appeal
    November 14, 2001

    Save Safiya Yakubu Hussaini from Death by Stoning

    Safiya Yakubu Hussaini, a 30-year-old woman and a resident of Tungar-Tudu in Sokoto State in northern Nigeria, was tried in a Shari'ah court in the town of Gwadabawa on October 14, 2001 and condemned to death by stoning. Safiya Hussaini, who is a divorcee and has a five-month-old baby, was charged and convicted of adultery. Under Shari'ah adultery is a capital offence when the individual involved is married. It appears that different standards and validity of testimony were applied to Safiya and the married man involved in the case. The man was released because of lack of evidence raising the concern of discrimination on the basis of gender by the court.

    Please immediately send a letter to the Nigerian Ambassador to United States asking that Safiya's death sentence be commuted and that the Federal Government take all measures to ensure that Safiya's right to an appeal be respected and enforced.


    Amnesty International takes no position on any country's religious or legal system. However AI is unconditionally opposed to imposition of the death penalty or the use of flogging, amputation and death by stoning as forms of punishment, as these constitute torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment under international law, including treaties Nigeria has signed and ratified, such as the African Charter on Human and People's Rights and the UN Convention Against Torture. AI is concerned about the lack of transparency and the swiftness with which trials are conducted in Shari'ah courts in northern Nigeria. In particular, Amnesty is concerned about whether Safiya had legal counsel during trial; whether she was advised of her full rights of defence and her right to appeal to the higher courts, including the Supreme Court.


    Please send letters to:

    His Excellency
    Professor Jibril Aminu
    Embassy of Nigeria
    1333 16th St., N.W.
    Washington, DC 20036

    Salutation: Your Excellency

  • closer2fine

    Bridgette, thank you for the information!



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