The Memorial Season
What does it conjure up in your mind? Longer daylight hours? Five full weekends? Auxiliary pioneering during the months of March, April and May? An increase of congregation activity?
Having seen this season come and go over the years, it always seems to be the same. It has very little to do with Jesus. He taught his followers not to observe the traditions of men - yet what is the Watchtower doing? Every year, they announce the Memorial Season.
Jesus rebuked the religious leaders for their hypocrisy, "They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men” (Matthew 15:9).
The Memorial seasons typically begins in March and ends on May 30. The sale push to get publishers out in the field and auxiliary pioneer is strong; so much so that typical Kingdom Ministry articles around this time will often begin with "Can we make [insert month] our best month ever?", followed by a full page on how to put in 50 hours for auxiliary pioneering and suggested weekly schedules.
Having participated in the Memorial Season for many years, there is very little mention of Jesus at the doors or at the meetings. Considering how the Memorial speaker tells us all that "Jesus and Jehovah have done for us" you would think that Jesus would be mentioned a little more at the doors, but no, the special offer for the month of April is always the Awake! and Watchtower magazines.
There is no biblical basis for the Memorial Season.
It is one of the "traditions of men", peculiar only to Jehovah's Witnesses.