I have distant relatives who are active witless members, I have heard for many years the ole song an dance about the big A being so close ...."just around the corner".....yet these rocket science relatives are all into helping build a new kingdum hall, they have probably spent the last 6-8 weekends doing menial tasks to help "do their part" in the construction process. My question is.....does this bump them up in the jw hierarchy, can they log this time? (like they do hawking watchtowers door to door?) It seems to be a really big deal with them. I would ask them, but they would be very elusive in their response to a worldly person. Any help would be welcomed.
Loopy Logic
by defective light 1 Replies latest jw friends
Armegeddon came back in 75. I think there is just one Armegeddon in the Bible. People have to do something to fill their time here in paradise. Some of them like sharing in building buildings. It gives meaning to their life. Just like my posting here gives meanig to my life.