I had lunch with a JW associated friend this past week. According to her father, they have announced at the meetings to start stocking up on survival supplies in preparation for great trib/armageddon. For those of you that still go, is this announcement widespread? It's getting the JW's around here fired up......
Survival Mode?
by lnunya 8 Replies latest jw friends
I'm thinking that maybe this is a local thing? I don't know that for sure. BUT my father is an elder. I'm positive if they made that an official announcement that he and Mom would definitely say something to me. I've not heard anything like that. In fact a few weeks ago my mom made a comment about having to wait a few more years before the end..........
The organization is a HUGE gossip machine..........
I'm pretty sure it is a local thing. It seems a lot of JWs have made a lot of assumptions with this whole financial crisis we are in...
Nope...... probably local
Stocking up on supplies? Whatever happened to 'relying on jehovah in times of need'. Or, 'don't worry, jehovah will provide for his faithful ones'.
It seems the typical jdub has as much faith or belief in god as I do. None.
That sort of thing has been going on for quite some time. They have sporadically come out with this, often at the car group level. I have yet to hear it from the platform or in one of the Washtowel publications, however--that doesn't mean someone hasn't had this talk.
Notably, the hounder-hounders are the ones that are most likely to start this. They misinterpret the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, hear enough car group talk about it, or see it as a way to build up sagging numbers within their circuits.
wha happened?
Well my sister-in-law has warned us twice in the last year. Last year, Wifey bought provisions
Thanks for all the replies. I thought perhaps "daddy" just might be trying to create anxiety in his daughter to get her back to the meetings. Even before 1975 I don't remember there being an international announcement for stocking provisions. Incidentally, JW's are not the only ones gathering supplies. Seems lots of people are kicking into survival mode......
This has been going on for years.