Corruption in Washington DC

by TopHat 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • TopHat
  • cameo-d

    I'd like to know how these people ended up on the "windfall list"?

    Was it through "favors" of passing the money and they received a percentage?

    Was it hush money, briberies, and favors?

  • TopHat

    I like this comment made under the article by a reader.:

    Examiner Reader said:
    The people involved in the tax scam did not cause ordinary people to lose their pensions, jobs, homes, etc. It is mind boggling to me that they will be given so much time in prison when the CEOs that have bilked millions from their companies and caused shareholders to be wiped out and thousands to lose their jobs, get off scott free. If Richard Fuld, Martin Sullivan, Stan O'Neal, Kerry Killinger, Angelo Mozilo, Daniel Mudd, Richard Syron, James Cayne,Kennedy Thompson and Charles Prince from Lehman Brothers, AIG, Merrill Lynch, WaMU, Countrywide, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Bear Stearns, Wachovia and Citigroup are not collectively prosecuted by the feds for plunging the economy in such disarrary and causing people to lose their savings, jobs and homes, then the people involved in this tax scam which did NOT victimize individual citizens should not be imprisoned either. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. 1 agree | 1 disagree
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    9:25 PM MST on Tue., Sep. 30, 2008 re: "Missing tax dollars raise eyebrows"

  • TopHat

    Corruption, corruption in every corner....everyone wants a piece of the tax payers money!

    ACORN Housing provides mortgage loan counseling, first-time homebuyer classes, and helps clients obtain affordable mortgages through unique lending partnerships. They even set up their own lending institution as a non-profit mortgage brokerage with CitiMortgage, Bank of America, First American Title Insurance Company, and Fannie Mae to help low- and moderate-income families find safe, affordable mortgages.

    This is one of the community organizing groups into which the Democrats tried to funnel billions of dollars in the first draft designed to capture the 700 billion pound gorilla. Read this and understand why that little treat was considered nearly criminal by even the casual observers.

  • TopHat

    The housing sub prime mess: Even JWs are having a hard time selling their Dumbo apartments...In March they sold one apartment for $16 the building is 2/3s empty.

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