I'm watching a few You TUbe vidoes. I came across this guy named Jason. A link for one of his vidoes.
&feature=related is one of a few on the site. He talks about never being of one of Jehovahs witnesses and his parents never being. He states that he asked questions and they answered from the bible. Look at his eyes, he looks like he's in a hypnotic state. He says that the current earth will not be destroyed... all the lies that WT teaches. His response feature is disabled. I haven't finished watching it yet, going off to do that now. I'm curious what he has to say.You Tube Videos
by bite me 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
bite me
more on this guy, jason. I was wondering.. WOuld he or anyone be disfellowshiped for having a myspace account.. here is his. http://www.myspace.com/hellahellahotguy I wonder if he knows that it will be suggested that he not go to clubs, and do a lot of the things he does now. He seems really 'worldly"
Homerovah the Almighty
He's a young impressionable kid whose studying with a JW, that video has been up for a long time, more than likely he's viewed the
other videos about the JWS by now and since dropped the notion of becoming a JW.
New studies always seem to be excited about their new found faith......until they examine things a little further and then the zealousness drops off.