I love life, I love humans!

by Gladring 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gladring

    I'm quite a laid back person and am usually happy to sit back and take it all in but I feel I have to speak up. I believe everyone is entitled to their opinions and do not like censorship. I have been disturbed by the increasing number of misleading posts defending the WTBTS. Rather than censor, I feel the need to put my opinion out there too.

    Some have said that the members of this forum are hateful and bitter towards the WTBTS and that it is wrong to tear down others' faith and replace it with nothing.

    Here's what I have to say. With or without the internet the WTBTS is doomed to fail miserably. I say this because I have great optimism for the human spirit. As long as we have been human we have been searching for truth and the truth will win out. The idea that newbie/lurkers on this forum need protection from the deception of apostates is a sad leftover of the WT mentality that humans are miserable and can't be trusted to use our brains.

    The idea that you need to replace faith in the WT with something else is nonsense. You don't need anything else. Sure I enjoy delving into history, philosophy and science - they enrich my life greatly - but not everyone wants to or needs to. The basis of morals and ethics is self evident and many people that JWs think are not spiritual or lacking in morals have figured this out all by themselves without need of the internet, science, philosophy or anything other than their brain and their experiences.

    I like people who treat me well, I don't like people who treat me poorly. If I do not treat others well then I am the kind of person I don't like. No person can be happy if they don't like themselves. To be happy therefore I must treat others with love and respect.

    These are self evident facts about life and need no further explanation.

    I know that people will leave the WT JW because it simply does not work. Whether this forum is shut down or is taken over by JW apologists makes no difference. Human beings will always be humans and will eventually wake up and smell the BS. If we all wake up in the morning with no memory at all it makes no difference. The basis of a moral life is still there and will be discovered and lived again.

    I love life, I love humans. Life is for living and humans will keep learning and keep exploring. This is not arrogance, this is optimism.

  • Amha·’aret

    Bravo! Well said!

    I spent months thinking i needed to replace the JWs with some other religion or notion but, like you said, that's just a left over notion from the WTS to try to stop people from leaving, misquoting Peter's words to Jesus about where else shall we go.

    To humans!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I love humans too.

    They're delicious!

    Couldn't resist.

    Good post, BTW.


  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    That's such a good point about loving life and loving humans. If you had only one word to describe the philosophy of Jesus and Christianity, it would be love.

    A belief that at any moment God is going to execute the vast majority of human life on earth, from babies to grandparents, prevents people from fully experiencing and feeling that love.

    Leaving the Watchtower has been such an incredible gift!!

  • BabaYaga

    Nicely said!

    ...and may I say (as a human) that I love you, too!


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