MY STORY Chapter 1

by Victor_E 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Victor_E

    Chapter 1.
    The year is 1972 and it appears Vietnam will soon be a closed chapter for this country and for me the start of one that will define my destiny in life. My best friend John and I are freshmen in high school and we take great joy in debating religion. He is a newly baptized JW and I am a renegade Catholic. John is impressed that I know more about Biblical prophecy than he, so he brings his friends Leo and his older brother Benny to my house to have open Bible discussions. These are sincere kind and caring people that it’s such a pleasure to be around. In time I am convinced the JWs have absolute truth, after all how can I argue against their iron clad proofs of they being the only neutral martyrs while all other religions are spiritual political prostitutes. I am idealistic and somewhat radical needing a cause to fight for and the JWs fit the bill. I take great pride in joining and defending these truth seekers; I am one of those new converts you should lock up.

    Moral of the story: Those you oppose today will be those you are a part of twenty years from now.

    Twenty years later I wrote this:
    The Wall That Heals

    I took off for the weekend last month
    just to try & recall the whole year
    all of the faces & all of the places
    just wonderin where it all disappeared

    A half scale replica of the wall in Wash DC engraved with 58, 202 names of men and women all casualties of Viet Nam. Something was calling to me yesterday to go observe and photograph the catharsis of painful emotions of all those directly affected by the loss of loved ones. The wall is on a journey across America with the stated purpose of their brochure.

    " Speaking, of the loss of men and women, --- our parents, children, neighbors, and friends. The VVM has helped veterans from WWI to Desert Storm find healing and a powerful connection with the common military experience. Non veterans, from school children to parents and grandparents, find in the Wall a deeper appreciation for their sacrifice, service, and courage, and draw from the experience lessons for today's life and life in the future."

    The Wall That Heals offers another powerful gift to the nation: and opportunity for the souls enshrined on the Memorial to journey back to the places they called home, to exist among friends and family once more not in the monumental city, but in the comfort and place of familiar surroundings."

    As I loaded my Minolta with film and mounted the 600mm mirror lens I caught through my peripheral vision a couple that was sitting in a park bench somber and introspective. I positioned myself and started shooting, first was an older Mexican couple accompanied by a vet that was assisting them find a name, probably their son. Next I saw an old man that was all alone crying as he ran his fingers over a name, I suspect his son. Then came a long haired vet dressed in his soldier greens, I zoomed in to catch his facial expression and I saw was a stoic nonemotional expression, I thought to myself he was probably a sarge or a captain. If only I could hear what these people are thinking or feeling, what stories they would tell.

    It's these changes in latitudes
    Nothing remains quite the same
    with all of my running & all of my cunning
    If I wasn't crazy I would go insane

    As I continued to observe now through my wide angle lens, I saw all the diversity of people that was now becoming a larger crowd. My mosaic mind now took off into a different latitude, I wondered of all the casualties of the Watchtower. First I saw my lovely wife she is a prisoner of the Watchtower (POW) by her own choosing. I wish I could make a WALL THAT HEALS to take to every town and village around the world for former JWs to be instantly healed from the pain and suffering from all the atrocities they experienced as casualties of the Watchtower.

    If it suddenly ended tomorrow
    I could somehow adjust to the fall
    Good times & riches and son of a bitches
    I've seen more than I can recall

    I now went up close to the wall, there were flowers, a full bottle of vodka, pictures, and letters all lying at the foot of the wall. One little old lady asked me if I could help her find a name, I asked her if it was her son, she responded that it was a friend of hers. Hmmmmm I wondered ..... if only these engraved names could speak the stories they would tell.

    Many I'm sure would say that God damned McNamara and Johnson sent us to our death. I wonder what casualties of the Watchtower would say?

    Oh but yesterdays are over my shoulder
    So I can't look back for too long
    There's just too much to see waiting in front of me
    And I don't think that I can go wrong

    How true, for many of these people this is the last sentence to finish a chapter in their lives. As I look back at this year it also represents a closed chapter in my life. Back in January I would have never expected to be here physically and metaphorically. This is the second most painful year of my life, but yesterdays are over my shoulder. I can look back at the painful experiences as falls I took learning to ride the bicycle of life. I know it happened but there is no pain in the memory. God if feels so good to be a freeman from the slavery of an ideal gone bad!!! ......... I think about all the others that have not progressed beyond the storyline of being Watchtower victims.

    About this time the lady that I saw when I got here approaches me and asks me if I am a freelance photographer. I respond in the affirmative. She tells me her husband is a vet that is still suffering from the aftermath of his experience. I can see his physiology saying " I am deeply hurt but I just want to be left alone,............... no one can understand". I wish I could just reach out to him and tell him that there is hope for him and that he can reconstruct his life so he can have a higher quality of life.

    With these changes in latitudes
    Changes in attitudes nothing remains quite the same
    with all of our running & all of our cunning
    If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane
    If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane
    If we weren't all crazy, we would go insane

    How true, life is crazy if you try to make rational sense out of it. I think back to how simple life used to be for me being a JW, I had all these rapid fire answers to any question. I loved to flex my spiritual muscle with people at the doors, what an idiot I must have appeared to the householders. If my friends could see me now what would they say. I think they would say I had lost my mind. Thank God I did lose my mind that was a POW and now I can think freely and speak freely without fear of being reprimanded by the spiritual MP.
    Through these fields of destruction
    Baptisms of fire
    I've watched all your suffering
    As the battles raged higher
    And though they did hurt me so bad
    In the fear and alarm
    You did not desert me
    My brothers in arms

    Now the sun's gone to hell
    And the moon's riding high
    Let me bid you farewell
    Every man has to die
    But it's written in the starlight
    And every line on your palm
    We're fools to make war
    On our brother in arms

    I start to put away my cameras and lenses. I take one final look at all these people that came together one Sunday morning to remember their loved ones, and to experience the Wall that Heals.

    Victor Escalante

    "A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."
    William James

  • metatron

    Jimmy Buffett music should be required listening for
    anybody who drifts away from the "truth"


  • Grout

    Thank you, Victor.

    Without records, how can we make a WTVM? Something else...

    Chip Salzenberg: Free-Floating Agent of Chaos

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    As someone who has visited the VietMan Memorial I can tell you it is an experience of a lifetime.

    Thank you Victor

    All you said is true

    minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.

    In a world of peace and love, music would be the universal language...Thereau

  • wheelwithinwheel

    Thanks Vic,

    I ask myself :

    If a memorial wall was constructed for all the WT victims, how many names would there be ? How many would visit to grieve ? I believe the numbers would be astounding. So many injured for life. So many lost to the cause.

    Each one here could name many.

    It should be done. It could be done

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