Appreciate any information on "All Scripture is Inspired by God......"

by insearchoftruth 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • insearchoftruth

    I think the KH is cleaning out their book supply on my wife, last night she went to the meeting (ministry school/local needs) and this morning there is a copy of 'All Scripture is Inspired....." sitting on the kitchen table. Is there any low hanging fruit in this book that I may be able to ask questions about????



  • insearchoftruth
  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    That is a book that is still used for the Instruction talk, during the ministry school.

  • cameo-d

    Here is a tidbit that you might could use to refute such a title.

    Hans Conzelmann, Professor of New Testament Studies at Tottingen admitted that the Christian community continues to exist because the conclusions of the critical study of the Bible is largely withheld from them.

    The "original texts" that are so often referred to in theological hairsplitting do not exist. What does exist are transcripts that originated between the fourth and tenth centuries. And these are transcripts of transcripts, some fifteen hundred of them, and not one of them agrees with another. More than eighty thousand variations have been counted. There does not exist a single page of the "original texts" without contradictions. The most prominent of them, the Codex Sinaiticus, has been found to contain sixteen thousand corrections, which can be traced back to seven correctors. These correctors made their "corrections" because each one understood the verses differently and they transformed the functions according to what they perceived to be the needs of the time.

    Dr. Robert Kehl of Zurich writes: "Frequently the same passage has been 'corrected' by one corrector in one sense and immediately 'recorrected' in the opposite sense by another, depending entirely on which dogmatic view had to be defended in the relevant school. At all events, a completely chaotic text and irremediable confusion has already arisen owing to individual 'corrections,' but even more so to deliberate ones."

    Father Jean Schorer, for many years spiritual adviser to the Cathedral of Saint-Pierre, Geneva, concluded that the theory of the divine inspiration of the Bible is in such contradiction with the most basic, elementary knowledge base of normal human reason, and is so obviously refuted by the Bible itself, that only ignorant persons would defend it, while only people completely devoid of any kind of culture would believe it.

    If this interests you, you can

  • oompa

    My personal fave for this book is in the section on use of Jehovahs name, especially in the Christian Greek Scriptures. I have some Word files with more detail about this subject and ca'n e-mail them to you if you pm me your address, or I could send some the text by pm. You may find it interesting that of all the books wt has written, you would would think that this one entirely about the bible would inform us that the name Jehovah does not appear one time in any existing ancient manuscript. The Insight book under the heading Jehovah-Use in the Christian Scriptures even admits there are no manuscripts with the name in it. Actually, the Inspired book may indicate that but then say it used to be in there and "we have restored it 237 times." You cant restore something that was never there, and there is zero way to prove it they just made it up and added the name Jehovah to the New Testamament.

    Their excuse is that "when the CGS is quoting from the Hebrew scriptures, if the name Jehovah was in the quote, it is appropriate to restore it there" but why doesnt this book let us know that WT has also added it in dozens and dozens of places where there is no quote? And if the name was used in the quotes, WTF didn't the writers write it down....If they had, there would be many copies of old manuscripts with in in there. There is probably a reason, but WT does not care about accurate translation, they just want to have Jehovah in the New Testament, when in reality he does not exist there. How stupid of me to not notice that all you have to look for is good ol quotation marks. NONE of the inserted Jehovahs in Revelation are quotes! This is in direct conflict with Rev. 22:17-19 which tell us we cant add ANYTHING to the scroll.

    BTW....did you know that in the past 58 years since the New World Trashlation came out, there is only one sentence, in one publication that actually states the truth that WT has added the name to the CGS in the NWT in places where there are no quotes from the Hebrew scriptures? Took me a long, long time to find it. I wrote the society about this little known truth, and asked many questions and got no real answers. I have spoken with nine elders, one extremely smart and wise, 67 years old...born in....and even he was stunned by this little fact....NONE of them knew about this and were all stunned!.....One of the elders even wrote back to the society for more info and got nadda back..... ya folks.....we changed the bible to make it say what we wanted.......and they really dont want anyone to know...............................................oompa

  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks Oompa, pm'd you my email addresses!!! Very interesting!!!

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Yeah, I remember studying that book along with the bible. IDuring the meetings, I would wait for some sort of explanation and they never had one. They just pick and choose which scriptures they wanted to write about and leave out some important issues.

    It really made me feel empty and not inspired what so ever!

    If you were to write about scriptures with historical facts would you not add a little bit more and explain some scriptures that they left out? So much for the word All.

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