I had a phone call from a die hard JW friend from back in Wisconsin. I had told her recently about the UN thing. She just knew there had to be some logical explanation. The CO is there this week and she told him about it. He said he had not heard anything about it and that there is no way that the WTS would do that. It is probably one of these of organizations who uses Jehovah's name and we just misunderstand.
This friend is not on the internet. I had e-mailed the information to another sister in that congregation but she is gone to Florida right now. When she got the e-mail, she asked an elder and he said it is just apostate lies.
So I told this friend to call the other sister's husband (who stopped going to meetings years ago when he had his fill of the elders) and have him print it out for her so she can show it to the CO this week.
She ended the conversation by telling me that Satan is after me and I better be careful not to stumble my son and daughter-in-law. (They left the borg several months ago, too)
This sister has a disfellowshipped daughter who is a single mother struggling to make it on her own. They are careful not to "associate" with her when they see the baby. When the daughter needed a car, her father had a piece of crap car that should have went to the junkyard and he SOLD it to her for $500, which she had to borrow. He said that if she were "in the Truth" he could have given it to her. Can't help her out otherwise. I had such a strong urge to smack her upside the head. They didn't attend their first daughter's wedding because the JW she was marrying was not baptized. The second daughter married a JW who abused her terribly and she divorced him and eventually married a really nice non JW. They did not go to that wedding either. It was not proper to marry out of the Truth. These people have ripped their family apart with this JW nonsense but they are sure they are doing the right thing. What idiots!!!