Or just the exchanging of rings?
Are wedding ceremonies based on pagin origins?
by cognac 8 Replies latest jw friends
yes...and so are most funeral services....they give the creeps!................oompa
there are TONS of things we all do that have pagan origins
lol, wow! Can I just look this up in the encyclopedia and show hubby?
Don't know how "pagan" it is, but the "giving away" of the bride is from the old patriarchal system in which the woman was property to be exchanged between males. In many cultures, the woman had little or no voice in who she was going to marry. This was still a widespread practice in Bible times, and even among many characters in the Bible.
What difference does it make now? We're not pagans (most of us) and now wedding ceremonies are based on current interpretations of the various elements of the wedding.
Does your husband eat pretzels? Does he know they were invented as treats for Sunday school children because they represent the Trinity (three in one; three little sections, one pretzel)?
Rather than proving pagan origins to him, I wish you could get him to reason that, in today's society, those origins are irrelevant.
Just google........pagan influence christianity............you will be pleased....I found this there...............oompa
Christianity and Paganism and Christianised Rituals in wikipedia are AWESOME....here is quote about Baptism....check out the last sentence.
"this possible origin is the one usually favoured by Christian apologists, as it implies that John the Baptist was simply carrying out a Jewish ritual. However, followers of most mystery religions were baptised (in some locations by full immersion in water), and considered themselves afterwards to have been re-born; the early Christian church father Tertullian commented on this that in certain Mysteries it is by baptism that members are initiated and they imagine that the result of this baptism is regeneration and the remission of the penalties of their sins. These beliefs of the initiates into mystery religions are also those shared with historic Christianity, and with some modern groups such as the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholicism, and some scholars have consequently proposed that Christian usage of baptism actually derives from that of the mystery religions, not from Judaism. One of the surviving ancient gnostic-like mystery religions, Mandaeanism, not only performs baptism frequently, [ 4 ] but also claims John the Baptist to have been one of their greatest teachers."
Witness 007
Yes it is so next time I will live in sin and fornicate thru life......well you cant have it both ways!
Manners, Customs and Observances: Their Origin and Significance (London: William Heinemann, 1894),
I found this through googling Customs Origin........geeze I always thought Pall Bearers were creepy.....came from Roman Pagans...................oompa
Well marriage and marriage feast are mentioned without condemnation in John, there is even intoxication mentioned in the passage but not looked down upon so I guess it is okay to get tipsy and wear a lampshade on your head occassionally.......
However majority of wedding tradtions/rituals are pagan we have in American society are of pagan origins.
Basically practically everything can be tied to paganism......