E-mail I sent to both the big local news stations

by mkr32208 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mkr32208

    (I wrote this to intentionally sound like a concerned hick... It IS jacksonville you know!)

    I've recently had an issue come to my attention that causes me some concern. I've lived in the same neighborhood in North Jax for almost 15 years. Every few months I get Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons coming by to visit usually as pairs occasionally as singles. I've no problem with them or their work, most of them seem to be good sorts and I've had several conversations with them over the years, however I've recently learned that the Jehovah's witnesses have been involved with a large lawsuit for covering up pedophilia. This isn't a surprise as most religions seem to have a few bad apples. However most of these religions don't have the bad apples KNOCKING ON MY DOOR! What if my kids are home alone and a single pedophile is coming along selling the watchtower? They don't pay the least bit of attention to 'no trespassing' signs they just walk right by them! So how am I suppose to protect my children? (well what do you guys think? Think anything will get said? My local news LOOOOVES the 'OH MY GOD WERE ALL IN DANGER' angle!)

  • Amha·’aret

    When they run the story, write in again but as a different person explaining how the witnesses have a Do Not Call list. Most of the public don't know about this and I'm sure they'd rather not be called on in most cases.


  • StAnn

    If the news contacts the WTS about this, they will tell them that (a) they don't have a problem with pedophiles and (b) that anyone who has been convicted of a sex crime is not allowed to go door to door unaccompanied. Thus, I suggest you send them things you print out from Silent Lambs showing a convicted pedophile going door to door alone (can't remember his name) and print out the recent article about the elders in CA who had to be compelled by law to testify against the pedophile in their midst. Otherwise, the news media may think it's not a real issue.


  • Farkel

    Any objective news reporter not familiar with the subject would consider such information heresay.

    Post links to other periodicals which have reported the facts of the latest WTS settlements on the issue. That might get them interested.


  • steve2
    What if my kids are home alone and a single pedophile is coming along selling the watchtower? They don't pay the least bit of attention to 'no trespassing' signs they just walk right by them!

    Fair enough question - but I'd extend it beyond the JWs: How old are your children? How often do you leave them home alone? (In some countries, there are laws forbidding children being left home alone without caregivers present; in New Zealand, for example, parents cannot leave children younger than 14 years home alone) How do you justify leaving them alone - without baby sitters? My children are now adults, but I would never have left them alone when they were minors, no only because of the risk of unwanted visitors but also because of problems they could get into themselves without adults around) The likelihood exists that any individual could ignore a "no tresspassing" sign and knock on your door when your children are alone. Have you instructed your children not to answer the door when they are alone? Have you provided age-appropriate education on pedophiles ?

  • Cheetos

    Put up a sign that says: NO JW's, and if they come anyway and your home then take a picture of them standing there then you can sue their Arses for standing on your porch.

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