Just curious if any of you ever listen to the talk shows on US radio. I just spent the morning listening to Imus in the Morning as I drove throught oregon. god what a crock!
by Carmel 5 Replies latest social relationships
Just curious if any of you ever listen to the talk shows on US radio. I just spent the morning listening to Imus in the Morning as I drove throught oregon. god what a crock!
My husband listens to them all the time. Funny, he used to laugh at my Mom for listening to the "old people shows". Now, he wouldn't miss them. Funny.....he's OLD, but I'm not.....can't figure out how that happened. LOL
Been addicted to talk shows even before they were popular, Les Consolving, Tom Mar, nowadays its pretty much come down to, Micheal Savage and the Savage Nation, Bill O'Reilly, as well as a dose of Matt Drudge on Sunday Nights.
When I have the chance, I enjoy listening to Bill O'Rielly, Sean Hannity, and locally I enjoy John and Ken, Bill Handle, and a few others from a Los Angeles station.
It is helpful to hear several sides to a story before coming to a conclusion.
If you haven't had the pleasure yet of tunning in to Micheal Savage, and the Savage Nation, he's piped out of San Francisco, is nationally heard, He is a wonderful alternative to the Radio Factor.
Though Bill is probably suffering from his law suit issues, it might make him even more honest and keep his Humility Factor on board, but Bill will always have an audience. He's truly, a gifted individual.
Talk shows depress me. One person, unopposed, filtering out opinions he (and it almost always is a he) doesn't think are relevant (i.e.: doesn't support his position).
Combine meth usage with the part of the brain that hates differing values and opinons...that's all you need to be a radio host.
And basing an entire format around it is even more illogical. We have one station in the market that has this schedule:
Bill Bennett
Laura Ingraham
Dennis Prager
Mike Medved
Mike Savage
Hugh Hewitt
Dave Ramsay
...all saying the same thing, over and over and over. Air America is scantly different, just from the left.
Since when are any of these people considered experts? What have they, or O'Reilly (Tabloid TV host, or Limbaugh (Rock DJ), or Hannity (Bartender/Carpenter), or Neal Boortz (?) done that makes them qualified? At least Bill Bennett worked in government and also knows firsthand the evils of gambling. Other than that, I don't see that they know any more about issues than I do. Yet, "Talk Show Host", "Campaign Strategist", or "Syndicated Columnist" automatically makes you an expert. "Get me Michele Malkin and Tammy Bruce on the show...And tell that Ph.D. from Yale we don't want him on!"