Ray Franz changes Kingdom Ministry to Kingdom Service -reversed later??

by Witness 007 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    "The light gets brighter and brighter"..or does it.??? In the 1970's Ray Franz arguement about the term "ministry" makes them change the "KIngdom Ministry" to Kingdom Service".......I find it funny that by 1981 after he was disfellowshiped they changed it back!....flip flop, flip flop...

    I was also told The Aid to Bible Understanding {Raymond} and Commentary on James {Dunlap} go on the bottom of the Witness bookshelf! Are these works still considered "food at the proper time" or has this spiritual food gone alittle "off."

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    When he was branded a traitor every move he made was reverse/nullified/diminished.

    Leningrad --> Stalingrad

  • cabasilas

    The ideas that Ray Franz had were subject to the support of the rest of the Governing Body. The change to "Our Kingdom Service" was not done by Ray alone. It had to have support from 2/3 of the GB. But, once Ray was gone there was no doubt a reaction against ideas he had promoted and the backlash began.

  • Gopher

    To be honest, I always thought the reasons they gave for the change to the name "Our Kingdom Service" were confusing and nonsensical. It seemed like they became afraid to say "ministry" or "minister".

    This incident was just one more example of what should be plain to see: The WT Society had and has no such thing as 'divine guidance', but shifted as their leaders' ideas shifted. What's truth one minute is garbage the next.

  • stillajwexelder

    Actually "Commentary on the Letter of James" is now on the CD-ROM - it has once again become a good book

  • stillajwexelder

    It is quite funny, an elder in my congo still uses the term " Our Kingdom Service"

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