Shunning; what does it do?

by passwordprotected 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • passwordprotected

    New blog post on the Watchtower Teachings Blog;
    Shunning; what does it do?

    I'd love to get your comments on the blog, please.

  • minimus

    Shunning messes people up. It's not "Christian", at least the way JWs practice it!

  • mouthy

    Shunning; what does it do?

    I can only say what it did to me !!! Have you ever felt like your heart broke? I can honestly say I have .

    No kidding I felt it!!!! My daughter & grand-child must shun me because I dont believe Jesus came in 1914.
    I wont live much longer( 81+) & every day I miss them.

    Good site I hope your get lots of answers

  • passwordprotected

    Thanks for the quick replies, folks, it'd be great to have your comments posted directly onto the blog so that those visiting the blog will be able to read them without logging onto JWD.

    Comments can be posted here;Blog post

    Many thanks.

  • Cheetos

    Shunning? It led me down the road to chasing whores and heavey drinking & gambling and I begain smoking Camel filters, and to taking medication for depression, (not to mention I did not feel life was worth living anymore) I was told that I was on the same level as the demons and if the end came I would die unless I was reinstated. So, me and my family doctor decided it would be a good idea to tell the elders to shove it where the "Sun Don't Shine". Oh and by the way I can now grow my beard as long as I want now with out feeling god is going to kill me at amagedon for being less of christian for it and there-by becoming more emotionaly depressed.

    Sign: Sworn to have fun

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    For some reason I had trouble posting to the blog. Shunning alienates families forever. I have not seen my father in 29 yrs. I have never observed anything good come from it.

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