Today was quite a crap day.

by LouBelle 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    My day was a rollercoaster of a day. I got so emotionally lost in my problems at work that I got into a depressive funk. However after realising that I was allowing myself to drown in my emotion, I delt with the problem, confronted it head on! Now, at least I'm no longer drowning and am feeling much better.

  • Hope4Others

    Glad you feel better about it all, i find that's the best trying not to let things

    bring you down...they usually will work out take a breather...leave the issue a hand for a bit

    and you come back your thoughts are clear and your away.


  • oompa

    congrats!...and wish you could teach me how to do that better...but of course i dont know what the problem you dealt with was....some of mine are just a wee bit big....cant figure out a solution...........oompa

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    LB, I'll share with you my meditation techniques for coping:

    I picture myself in the beautiful and tranquil rocky mountains. Wide open, clear sky. Majestic trees and colorful flowers that seem to make the entire universe stare in awe. Birds singing and wildlife frollicking nearby. Peaceful and serene, yet full of life and delight. I am there standing in a clear, clean, jewel blue lake warmed by the summer sun's rays. And there, a million miles away from the rest of humanity, I'm holding the head of that stupid son-of-a-bitch under the water until the bubbles just stop... and pull him up just to get half a breath and then splash, back his head goes under the water until the bubbles just barely stop... gasp, then splash, gasp, then splash. Ahhh, I don't know about you, but I'm feeling better already.

    B the X

  • Gregor

    I'm holding the head of that stupid son-of-a-bitch under the water until the bubbles just stop... and pull him up just to get half a breath and then splash, back his head goes under the water until the bubbles just barely stop... gasp, then splash, gasp, then splash. Ahhh, I don't know about you, but I'm feeling better already.

    B the X

    Yes, Billy

    Torturing people who irritate you is always good therapy, LOL.

    I find that a nice adult beverage and a good book take me out of the situation very nicely. LouBelle, try a shot of vodka in you glass of carrot juice and drink it while you have a hot bath, then get into a book, or good music (headphones are great) are just a stupid TV program. Tomorrow is another day.

  • kurtbethel

    When I have that experience I hide out in my cave, won't talk to anyone and do not want to be talked to. There is nothing that can substitute for time to dwell on it a bit before letting it go.

    Caveman Kurt

  • sweetstuff

    ((((Hugs)))) Glad you are feeling better Lou. Nothing worse than a day from hell at work where you feel your brain might actually emplode. :) Weekend is almost here, at least that's an upside. (Provided you don't work weekends that is!)

  • LouBelle

    oompa - it's something I have chosen to do in my life - if there are issues, even horrible uncomfortable ones, I can 1. complain about it and do nothing 2. complain and then make my peace about it 3. stop complaining, grab the bull by the balls (forget the horns) and deal with it, then I'm at peace about it.

    I know this doesn't work for everything but it works for most things in life. Oompa I think you'd benefit from knowing a person like me - would definately be a positive being in your life ;o)

    The situation is a work related one, I just kept getting lied too and stabbed in the back and it has been bringing me down, making the environment unpleasant and though I had brought it up a couple of times I hadn't done so with conviction & confidence - yesturdays' healthy confrontation changed things. It's bought a "no doubt" awareness to the situation.

    I'm fortunate that I can get out of these funks pretty quickly. but for a while I did feel all alone.

  • fokyc

    'Crap' (euphemism) - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia = 'SHIT'

    Perhaps you have been indulging in too much of the fruit and vegetable juices?

    Plays hell with my body functions!


  • quietlyleaving


    3. stop complaining, grab the bull by the balls (forget the horns) and deal with it, then I'm at peace about it.

    I like that one - thanks for giving me a laugh

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