Do you know what they called themselves?. I have asked several elders and a circuit overseer these two questions and nobody has ever really answered the first one...and never the second one!..."why do the FDS call themselves the FDS when first century who (supposedly) were the heavenly class NEVER ONCE called themselves that.....but almost always used another term and they used it over and you know what they called themselves"....
geeze i love that deer in headlights look...especially from that smugass then I tell them....they called themselves the "chosen ones...those chosen..and just the chosen" why the crap do those supposedly chosen now use a stupid phrase found only in a parable?????....
i swear near the end and esp during those creepy passin ceremonies called the memorial....the term Faithful and Discreet Slave....and just "the Slave"....was used so much it have me the heebie jeebies............oompa