what early christians called themselves...NOT FD-SLAVE!

by oompa 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    Do you know what they called themselves?. I have asked several elders and a circuit overseer these two questions and nobody has ever really answered the first one...and never the second one!..."why do the FDS call themselves the FDS when first century who (supposedly) were the heavenly class NEVER ONCE called themselves that.....but almost always used another term and they used it over and over....do you know what they called themselves"....

    geeze i love that deer in headlights look...especially from that smugass CO....so then I tell them....they called themselves the "chosen ones...those chosen..and just the chosen"....so why the crap do those supposedly chosen now use a stupid phrase found only in a parable?????....

    i swear near the end and esp during those creepy passin ceremonies called the memorial....the term Faithful and Discreet Slave....and just "the Slave"....was used so much it have me the heebie jeebies............oompa


    "The Chosen"..JesusMotorbike 6MotorbikeMotorbike 3Motorbike 6MotorbikeMotorbike 3Motorbike 6MotorbikeMotorbike 3Motorbike 6MotorbikeMotorbike 3.............................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    They callled themselves "the way", and "christians". Today they are called bullshitters... (I am not having a good day with this f++kin cult!)

  • oompa


    c'mon...actually they called themselves the chosen ones more than anything else....."the way" would have been the movement, not themselves.....really............oompa

  • civicsi00

    That's always a good question for any J-Dub: "Name one scripture where any apostle/disciple/rank&file member relied on the 'faithful and discreet slave' class for "spiritual food at the proper time"?

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    I think the word Christian was coined by a King or Pharisee so he could kill them, but the JW always said Jesus okayed it! Sometimes I backslide and have to do research again on the topic . I need to find the scriptures and look it up! So here we are Christ Like is born!

    Back to your question? Maybe brothers and sisters or servants of Christ! and they had different concept because of different areas. Hebrew verses Ephesus.

    I am not too sure The Way is a real name the early Christians called themselves or is it something made up because Jesus said that I am the Way. Maybe just one area called themselves The Way but not all of them! Maybe they were called The Path_ay!

    Kind of hard to figure out where a doctrine begins and ends! but it sure is fun to try!

  • free2beme

    Yes, they called themselves The Gullible Manipulites.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles
    creepy passin ceremonies called the memorial

    That because the WTBTS memorial is bull and not biblical! that’s enough to make any one creep out! Outside of not partaking, you got to get dressed up, why? Jesus didn't wash feet for nothing. They had stinky, dusty, dirty, and tired feet.

    Can you imagine that nice clean room with those stinky feet. Know wonder God made them eat bitter herbs so they couldn't smell each others feet. The shock of eating those herbs! it was so bad that they forgot about those stinky feet!

    That is why they had wine, wild bitter herbs, and more wine! I bet his cup just kept filling up! Let's face it, no one knows what kind of herbs they were chewing on. I know this, it was enough for Jesus to question God.

    Nasty tasting herbs, red wine, stinky feet, dried out bread morsels and some sort of dip! Now that is a meal deal no one could ever forget!

    I could be wrong but I dont think dressing up was part of the meal agreement! I bet at least twelve men would be a NO Show if they had to dress up! The twelve ate so much that they were so tired they went to sleep early? I mean really that is what that stuff will do to you! It makes you drowsy and sleepy and to have clean feet on top of it! well that had to be a good mid evening treat a good foot message, yes Jesus yes!

    Jesus knew what he was doing! How many times have you tried to wake up someone up after a good foot message and foot cleaning, and just tied one over with bitter herbs and red wine? The WTBTS No way do they have it right! Jesus had a good sense of humor! and he was the last awake at his own party! the others just couldnt keep awake with him. Now, how many memorial have you gone to where it was about an hour long and boring!


    Sorry I got off the subject of FDS! no such thing! slave is servant they just looked it up in a Strongs and changed it.

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