A Disgusting Thing in a Holy Place.

by KnowlegeSeeker_UK 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • KnowlegeSeeker_UK


    I have recently left the organisation on moral grounds. On a principle ironically burnt into me as a JW.

    I have only this week told my family I would not be coming back. Though I was a Pioneer and Bethelite, they are not shocked, I have been distant from the congregations for some time now. Whats different is... I have comitted no sin. They dont know what to do with me. My friends know me as a moral, clean and upright human being. They are very confused.

    On the other hand, I have never been so open minded and the fog has been lifted. BUT im an an awful situation. I feel I must maintain the conduct of a JW . I also know that if I commit sin in their eyes, my information and testimony will become invalid. I will become one of the many disfellowshipped to be ignored.

    I have to play my hands very carefully.

    Im a young man, I have maintained the conduct and lifestyle of a good JW. Now I feel like I am in the deep end of a swimming pool.I am at university . Im in a new life that I have no understanding of. Infact I just lost a girl I cared so very much about, because I didnt know what I was doing. I was even brave enough to inform my JW friends. I know these people love me, and I love them, they are close friends, but i will lose them, and I must for I cannot live a lie.

    It is a difficult and odd transition, nobody understands..... but you. Hence I am here.

  • halcyon

    You bet we understand!!!!!

    I've thought and thought this round and round, and have concluded that JWs have EVERY exit covered, so there is no way to exit in good standing. Every argument has a pre-planned rebuttal. Even "living a good JW life" while outside has a label. Going to university is your "sin" and now anything is to be expected. THey probably are saying that you've lost your faith by being exposed to "teachings of the flesh" and human thinking.

    Eventually, you'll "sin". You'll face your fears. and THEN you'll be released from the "no-man's land".

  • JWdaughter

    Once a JW spills and you are in a JC, you will be DF'd or DA'd "by your choice" don'tcha know! At that point, whether or not you "sin" (cause you know JWs are w/o any sin, right?) 'good' JWs will shun you.

    Are you ready to walk the rest of the path you stepped onto? My best wishes to you!

  • oompa

    trust me....most of your friends are not what your new unfoggy mind will consider to be real friends....i have a handful, and the only reason they are still my friends is that i was honest with them as i learned the real truth about the troof........and they knew i had no ill intent....and i think they know i am right and they were quite surprised and taken aback...one young couple i talked with is even out mentally and only go because of friends and family in......

    i dont think there is anything wrong with trying to stay "moral" since your compass is pretty programed....but go crazy if you want....just keep your biz private.....good luck! (you can even say that now).............and cuss............oompa

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    I know we are in the same place. Just take each day as it comes. Stay busy with school. I think it depends on the personality of your elder body/co as to what will be done with you. How your family and friends decide to treat you is on them, you sound like a perfectly lovely normal person. The best to you, keep us posted.

  • stillajwexelder

    which university?

  • KnowlegeSeeker_UK

    Im a mature student in a British Medical School.

  • jgnat
    Now I feel like I am in the deep end of a swimming pool.I am at university. Im in a new life that I have no understanding of.

    I suggest you find a social group at the university that you can relate to (moral standards) and start establishing new friendships.

    I also know that if I commit sin in their eyes, my information and testimony will become invalid. I will become one of the many disfellowshipped to be ignored.

    I hate to discourage you, but keep in mind that your very leaving causes you to be tainted in their eyes. Consider that Job's comforters assumed he had sinned, simply because he was suffering. There is no end to human folly. Which is why I suggest you make some new friends. That doesn't mean drop the ones you have like a hot potato, but start broadening your social network.

    It will pay off, you will see.

  • jamiebowers
    Whats different is... I have comitted no sin. They dont know what to do with me. My friends know me as a moral, clean and upright human being.

    Well, then you can join a long line of innocent people who have been df'd or simply walked away. Among those ranks are battered women, molested children, rape victims and people who have simply awakened to the fact tha they were in a cult. The only thing different about your situation is that you haven't been out long enough to know that the WB&TS lies when it claims that the vast majority are df'd for immorality. The longer you are out, the more you will see life in shades of gray and less in black and white, and you'll realize that most don't deserve to be shunned by their families, whether or not "sin" is involved.

    Depending on the elders in your congregation and your family's connections, you may be permitted to fade away. Otherwise, they'll find some reason to give you the ax. Broaden your social horizons, and don't be too free with your true thoughts to your jw friends. Otherwise, both of your problems will be solved; they'll find a reason to give you the boot, and your jw friends will disappear.

  • WTWizard

    Of course, one of the things you need to do to be looked at as a proper witless is to do what other witlesses do and believe what they believe, regardless of whether it is true or not. That means going by and teaching their errant viewpoints, even if they are blatantly wrong--even if they were changed from the correct viewpoint to a blatantly wrong one. And you will be required to go to boasting sessions and out in field circus, or they will start looking down on you.

    This is the defense mechanism the Washtowel Slaveholdery put in place to prevent people from developing dissident ideas that could ruin them. Anyone that is able to prove one of their doctrines wrong is tuned out. That enables everyone else to continue believing the bad viewpoint without challenge. If anyone presses the correct viewpoint, even if they use the Bible in context (and even if the viewpoint is something that the Bible is blatant about presenting and the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger has blatantly lied about), they are viewed as worse than a "sinner" and cut off from everyone else.

    The "disgusting thing" is, in fact, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. Not just for telling lies, but for forcing people to believing them, banning outside research, and ruining families in the process of enforcing said bans. The result is that there are no checks and balances--and that has ruined many lives. Everyone that goes in is affected, and those who were born in are even worse off.


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