Revelation: The End Time DECEPTION?

by cameo-d 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Do you believe disciple John wrote Revelation?

    Or do you think it could have been contrived by some other entity and falsely attributed to John?

    Do you think Revelation is a natural progression of human situations and events...such as wars and disease?

    Do you think this end time scenerio has happened before...prehaps eons ago?

    Do you think this "harvesting" is a continual cycle? Or are we the first civilazation to see it?

    Do you think there are human and evil angelic forces working together to try to deliberately bring about the events of Revelation?

    Do you think Revelation could be a description of the endtime DECEPTION itself ?

  • sinis

    Time is not linear, its circular or erratic, with convergence points every so often. Civilizations rise and fall. I am sure eons ago that man was on par with what we have today. Over several million years nothing would be around that indicated that another culture predated the new.

    Personally I believe the end is in 2012, the "Gods" will come back, but many will be suprised...

  • cameo-d
    the "Gods" will come back, but many will be suprised...

    And when these "god's" you think they own us? Do you think if we do not agree to their propositions and terms that we will be deleted? Who do you think these "gods" really are?

    What do you think the big surprise will be?

  • Leolaia

    It's simply one apocalypse out of a whole genre that proliferated in the period between the second century BC and the second century AD. Like the closely related Oracles of Hystaspes (which contained material paralleling ch. 11-13) it was a piece of anti-Roman propaganda, which specifically demanded Christians to abstain from state-sponsored idolatry and submit to martyrdom under persecution. It had a particular view of the future, foreseeing the impending end of the Roman empire and its replacement by the rule of God and Christ. That's how its original audience would have read it. It is unfortunate that it is continually misused as a cipher of future events when its true value is as a historical witness to the attitude of early Christians in Asia Minor towards the Roman state.

  • sinis

    Perhaps they will own us as you put it. I don't really know. The big suprise will be that these "Gods" that men worshipped and morphed into religion will be nothing more than another race. If I went back in time 5000 years ago with a Bic lighter I would be known as Prometheus. How about a gun? Maybe you would be Mars... its all relative, time and technology have played key roles in mans formation of religion, based on things that they could not understand at the moment...

  • cameo-d
    The big suprise will be that these "Gods" that men worshipped and morphed into religion will be nothing more than another race.

    Which brings up another big question.....will earthly humans continue to revere them as "gods" or even as "messengers of the gods"?

    Will they attempt to "guide" earthly humans by gentle persuasion (coersive techniques) and appear to be offering "solutions" to mankinds problems in exchange for mans submission to their authority?

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Do you believe disciple John wrote Revelation? Some say it was another John but I am okay with either way!

    Or do you think it could have been contrived by some other entity and falsely attributed to John? No I think it was by YHWH about Jesus given to Angels who gave the vision to John

    Do you think Revelation is a natural progression of human situations and events...such as wars and disease? Hmm! maybe not natural

    Do you think this end time scenerio has happened before...prehaps eons ago? No

    Do you think this "harvesting" is a continual cycle? Or are we the first civilazation to see it?Harvesting? I dont think we are watching anything unfold!

    Do you think there are human and evil angelic forces working together to try to deliberately bring about the events of Revelation? Deliberately evil forces yes.

    Do you think Revelation could be a description of the endtime DECEPTION itself ? The deception is the false endtime authors who mislead others with their predictions and writings. I think it is a vision revealed to us from the Almighty! I do not think God is out to deceive anyone.

    The above is just my view point, What do you say about your own questions?

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