Prince (the JW/singer) endorses Republicans and bashes gay marriage

by Gopher 7 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Gopher

    I thought JW's were supposed to be POLITICALLY NEUTRAL. Prince lives and proselytizes in L.A., and he came out in favor of the Republican party and strongly for Proposition 8 (the anti-gay marriage amendment that won the popular vote in California two weeks ago).

    This guy is confused. A political JW???

    Disclaimer at the end of the article: A Prince "insider" is disputing the quotes in the story.


    Gay marriage and doing 'whatever you want' is wrong, says Prince

    By PAUL WALSH, Star Tribune

    Last update: November 17, 2008 - 3:43 PM

    Prince, the gender-bending Minnesota rocker who now lives in California and makes the rounds as a Jehovah's Witness, spoke out in a newly released interview that the Bible opposes homosexuality and God has said "enough."

    The comments from the Grammy-winning musician, who for decades has graced concert stages in high heels, makeup and flamboyant garb, appear in the Nov. 24 issue of New Yorker.

    "So here's how it is," Prince began, "You've got the Republicans, and basically they want to live according to this." He pointed to a Bible.

    "But there's the problem of interpretation, and you've got some churches, some people, basically doing things and saying it comes from here, but it doesn't."

    Prince then moved to the other side of the political aisle, Democrats, saying, "They're, like, 'You can do whatever you want.' Gay marriage, whatever. But neither of them is right."

    When asked for his views on social issues--gay marriage and abortion--Prince tapped his Bible and said, "God came to earth and saw people sticking it wherever and doing it with whatever, and he just cleared it all out. He was, like, 'Enough.' "

    Prince, who wrote sexually charged lyrics through much of his career, told the New Yorker that his change of faith came after a two-year debate with a musician friend. He likened it more to a "realization" rather than a "conversion."

    He told the magazine that he attends meetings at a local Kingdom Hall, and he leaves his gated community in Los Angeles at times to knock on doors and proselytize. "Sometimes people act surprised, but mostly they're really cool about it," he said.

    According to, an independent website about the world's religions, the Jehovah's Witness faith that abortion is wrong, homosexuality is a "serious sin" and gender roles are defined: Men are the head of the household and women are loving caretakers who assist the husband in teaching the children.

    The New Yorker piece was written by Claire Hoffman, a former entertainment writer for the Los Angeles Times. She also has written for the New York Times, Rolling Stone and Redbook.

    One widely read celebrity gossip website,, says that a Prince insider is challenging the article, saying that he was misquoted and the interviewer did not use a tape recorder.

  • scotsman

    Prince has invited Junction Guy to be one of his new dancers too.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    The quote is obviously not accurate. They quote him as saying "God came to earth...."

  • Quandary

    I think Prince is in denial of his own sexual orientation.



    Prince has no problem cutting out the seat of his pants,so his bare ass shows..The last guitar I saw him play had a Devil`s tail and a huge Devil Dick on it.....And ..He has the nerve to say "Doing what ever you want is wrong"...LOL!!..............Prince..Patch the seat of your pants,so we don`t have to look at your skinny ass.....And..Get a Condom for your Guitar!!..LOL!!....................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Gopher
    The quote is obviously not accurate. They quote him as saying "God came to earth...."

    Actually, that quote could be accurate. I was thinking of Genesis 18:20, 21 which is the account about Sodom and Gomorrah. The scriptures there say that God said he would go down and see whether they were doing what the outcry said they were doing.

    Since Sodom and Gomorrah were associated with homosexuality, I think that's what Prince was raving about in his quote.

  • sammielee24

    I just read about the same interview and the reporter described his 30,000 sq foot home in Beverly Hills - complete with purple thrones on either side of the fireplace. He definitely says the Republicans are for the bible and the Democrats are for 'anything goes'..but he insists that neither have the 'truth'. He leaves his gated community to go door to door - once in a while.

    Wasn't there an article not that long ago in the Watchtower about 'idolatry, greed and materialism?'. The same reporter also describes the huge pictures of him in various states of undress that adorn the hallway going to his bedroom - he obviously idolizes himself.


  • avishai

    I think he's a total dill-hole. But, dang can he shred

    He starts kicking ass around 3:35


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