What do you do with a rabid dog? (Armageddon rant)

by Open mind 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Suppose your beloved canine companion contracted rabies without your knowledge and was in the final stages of the disease?

    As a loving human caretaker, you don't 'desire any dogs to be destroyed, but that all attain to repentance, err, recovery'.

    Alas, your poor Fido has spent way too much time on JWD and is now long past all hope of recovery.

    What does a loving person with God-like powers do in a situation like this?

    You painlessly put the rabid dog out of its misery.

    What does Jehovah do?

    In spite of his superlative love for humans and the desire that none be destroyed, he has to terrify all those rabies-infested non-JW humans at the Big A and make sure they know they are about to perish at the hands of the God of all fury and vengeance and love and mercy. (And Prozac?)

    And then he kills them.

    And then he feels all better.

    Well, for about a thousand years.

    Then he'll do it one more time.

    Then he'll feel all better.


    Watchtower said so.


  • cameo-d

    I have rabies.

    Run, Forrest, run.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Thats a whole lot of killing for a God that is loving and just

    And people ask me why I'm a atheist / humanist ........just crazy I guess

  • BluesBrother

    That is so much simple logic, Open Mind, it goes over the head of the Witness.

    I used to chastise myself for entertaining thoughts like " You have to be really good to Jehovah, other wise he is going to kill you !" ..I felt I must be losing spirituality, but in fact I was gaining common sense...I still managed to smother those thoughts for many years though

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    What prompted this rant was a little bit of "put myself in their shoes" thinking.

    OK, let's say the JWs are 100% right. The planet is going to hell in a hand basket. God needs to step in soon to save us from ourselves. Only those who are willing to avoid denim for eternity will be spared. The rest of humanity is "diseased" with independent thinking beyond repair.

    A loving God would just "blink" all 6 billion irredeemable denim-wearers out of existence and be done with it.

    I wonder if even a true believer dub could allow their brain to wander this far off the Watchtower path?


  • ldrnomo

    The sad thing is they really get this stuff from the Bible and prove it to the dubs with the Bible


  • wings

    OM I stopped waiting for Armageddon to come years ago....too flipping confusing! I now hope in the comet, an equal opportunity destroyer.


  • Dagney
    Only those who are willing to avoid denim for eternity will be spared.

    Had to giggle on that, so true. But then...it is painfully, ridiculously sobering.

    Everytime I get a little "soft" on god, I remember this crap from the WBTS and I snap out of it. Everytime I time I think about "god's great plan" as outlined in the last book of the Bible, I snap out of it.

    I think about my poor elderly mother, 70 years a WT slave, still wondering "am I good enough to make it to the paradise?" Makes me ill and sad at the same time.

    Good "illustration" OM. You get a "G."

    (They don't do that anymore, do they?)

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    I now hope in the comet, an equal opportunity destroyer.

    Jehovah won't let it happen. Watchtower said so.

    Apophis, 250-meter-wide asteroid, makes its next near-Earth pass in 2029. If it smacks into space junk or gets just the right amount of push/pull from the Earth it could smack us directly on its subsequent pass in 2036. Probably won't though. The most hysterical doomsday estimates I've seen are a 1:450 chance. Still a fascinating read, IMO.



    Good "illustration" OM. You get a "G."


    (They don't do that anymore, do they?)

    No, the conscientious TMS overseers give everyone private "counsel" after the meeting. The TMSOs who are burned out make a bee-line for the door much to the relief of jaded JWs and much to the chagrin of starry-eyed new recruits looking to improve their speaking skills.

    See what you're missing out on at the K Hall?


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