Well, about 2 weeks ago, my wife was at home during the day and heard something outside on the porch. By the time she got to the door, no one was there, but she found the folded piece of paper in the door.
Yes, it's a 'tract'. No - I haven't looked at it - and don't intend to, either. It's rubbish, as far as I'm concerned - and will be tossed out now that I've successfully complained at the main office.
You see... I live in a mobile home park. They have signs posted that specifically say 'No Soliciting Allowed'. Today, I caught up with the fella who sits in the main office, and asked him...
"Do you allow religious organizations to come into the park now?"
He said, "No, we don't. Why?"
"Well, a couple of weeks ago, I got one of their flyers in my door, and I don't appreciate it."
He said, "Well, we saw a couple of ladies - about 30 years old - walking through the park the other day, and I told them to leave."
I told him 'thank you', and we parted ways.
Now... I know that the JWs will feel that they are being 'persecuted' by being run out of here... but they need to follow rules - just like the rest of us.
No - I didn't mention 'Jehovah's Witnesses' specifically - to this fella... nor did I tell him that they harbor pedophiles - and have other problems. I just kept it short and got my complaint across. I don't want JWs in here. Neither does he. Oh... he said something about the 'fire marshall - not permitting it? I may have not understood that... it doesn't make sense... unless they think JWs are fire-bugs... ha ha ha
Jim TX
Tract campaign locally...
by Jim_TX 6 Replies latest jw friends
US Bethel has left it to each congregation/publisher to decide if they should continue to enter properties with 'No Soliciting' signs. 'No Soliciting' does not apply to Jehovah's Witnesses, according to the law. 'No Tresspasing' is different.
no more kool aid
In our territory if we knew we were going to be asked to leave an apartment complex or mobile home park we would just just a couple doors and leave to start and end our time. At the time I thought the message superseded any sign. I don't know at what point they just make it a phone or letter writing territory?
Black Sheep
My wife has been out distributing tracts to the unwary.
I have had two lots of JWs call in while she was out, (with tracts in their hands). They are happy to just chat about my recent heart attack.
The only copy I have seen is the one I downloaded.
I think that the JWs outside of my family assume that I have seen their latest garbage.
Most of the JWs in my family realise, by now, that I get their garbage before they do. My parents are a special case, they still seem to think that there is some chance that I might be impressed by some garbage that the GB produce. They have a special place in Jebooboo's Fairyland.
In Canada, if there are signs out that say no soliciting and dubs knock on the door anyways, the society said they will wash they're hands of them - in other words, any legal action arising from the event will be the publishers responsiblity.
Well, yes - I remember when I was a JW - and would ignore the 'No solicitors' signs. I just think that it's ballsy to ignore them - especially considering that the 'mother' organization may not back them - if taken to court. (But later crow about how they are responsible for many of the religious 'freedom' laws in our country...)
I also forgot to mention - the fella who works at the main office mentioned that if they come back - I'm to snag one of their pamplets and give it to him - and he'll call the main number on the back - and complain to them. (Whether he would REALLY do it is to be seen... but it's a nice thought)
Jim TX
Seems the witlesses are willing to ignore orders from apartment complex and trailer park managers just to get those wastes of paper out. They have signs up telling the witlesses that they are not welcome to peddle their crap, and they do it anyway. And, if the individual publisher opts out of going, the congregation will barge in and force them to go anyways. (No wussing out on those territories).
Ultimately, they are told to go out to those doors anyway. The Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger will not tell them to not go, or that the publisher should use discretion (and not the congregation). Rather, they are told that it's up to them (but with the underlying message that wusses will get destroyed at Armageddon), and the hounders in the congregation could tell them that they have to go regardless. Meanwhile, it's the publisher that gets in trouble, not the idiots that led or coerced them out there.