Here is what happens to middle-aged Bethelites when the Watchtower Society no longer needs them:
Serve Jehovah In Your Youth!
by Honesty 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have seen that video enough to know that they throw people away when they are no longer able to serve at Beth Hell for health issues.
Even if you do not go to Beth Hell, it is still a waste. Serving Jehovah in your youth means giving up prime opportunities in school. There will be no sports, no college, and nothing but field circus after school. And you will get a crap job after high school instead of going to college (and commonly have to live with your parents long after your 20s). You will be wasting time going door to door instead of working. You will lose promotional opportunities at work. And, you will not be the one that opens the door to marketing the cure for cancer (whether developing it, or undermining the laws that ban such from being released).
Meanwhile, you will be aging faster than you should. The diet is crap (I have nothing against the occasional Big Mac, but when you have one for lunch all the time, I do have something against it), You do not get enough sleep. You are under continual stress of never doing enough. No matter what you do, someone who is a cripple is showcased to have done even more (never mind that the cripple has no other obligations). You have up to a 32 times greater risk of mental illness, largely because you are programmed to fear the demons and to believe that you need to measure up to an impossible standard to have a chance at life. You are more likely to be fat and out of shape. Many of them end up dying before they reach 70, and not always for the blood issue, either. (I have seen more people dying of heart trouble, cancer, or diabetes before 70 in that religion per 100 members than outside.)
Even if you do not get cancer or diabetes and live to be 100 in the cancer, it is 100 years of pure stagnation. You will die, at 40 or 140, knowing that you haven't done a thing to advance mankind. You will die unfulfilled. Realizing you were part of a big machine that distributes wastes of paper, you will regret that you did not get a promotion at work so you could have enjoyed better material things. Or that you didn't go to college and enjoy life a little (and, what if you would have gone and been the one that would have opened the door for a marketable cure for cancer).
HONESTY - very succinct .I never was at Bethel but to show how it effects others ,consider my case - worked for a company but turned down huge promotions ( one was in the 80's to run the affairs of the company in HONG KONG ) for the sake of the "truth" and what I read in the mags .I thought I would be pleasing Jehovah by keeping my job humble ,it seemed the spiritual thing to do blah blah
Well they tired of me and now I'm your age with 5 busted disks and still doing manual labor and virtually no money for the future ,Armagggeddon was coming was'nt it? ....right
Great clip--thanks for posting it! I knew a fairly young couple who worked at the WT Farm. He became ill and the Society gave them their walking papers. A month or so later he died. No insurance, no money, no timely health treatment. His spouse applied to go back to the WT Farm after his death, but was turned down because she lacked the skills needed at that time.
This should be shouted from the rooftops.
They are doing the same to the present yoofs.
Thank God the High Court of Spain found against the Witchtower babble and Trash Society on this one - in that country the WT will have to provide a pension fund for those they kicked out for being too old and a burden.
HOW can anybody who reads the old litterature, and the dumb crap now on offer NOT SEE what a ridiculous bunch of idiots the Gibbering Buddy actually is??
wow, what b a powerful video that is,
thank you for sharing