Comparative Religions
101 Questions to Ask Visiting Jehovah's Witnessess
Five questions to Get You Started
to Ask
Visiting Jehovah's Witnesses
The Purpose of this Booklet
Many Muslims receive regular visits from Jehovah's Witnesses. The two religious groups are in constant doorstep dialogues. This booklet is an aid to the act of dialogue. 101 Questions to Ask Jehovah's Witnesses
Jehovah's Witnesses are trained to deal with Muslims. In their handbook entitled Reasoning from the Scriptures they are taught what they should say to Muslims (see especially pages 23 and 24; 1989 edition). On page 24, for example, Jehovah's Witnesses are instructed to use the following strategy:
When the Muslim says what Islam teaches, ask him to show you the point in the Qur'an. (Wait while he searches for it). When he cannot find it, he may be more willing to let you speak.
This and other tactful strategies gives Jehovah's Witnesses an unfair advantage in dealing with some Muslims who are not equipped to explain their faith. The purpose of this booklet is to correct the imbalance. I feel that just as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has taken the pains to teach Jehovah's Witnesses on how to overcome Muslims in discussion, the Islamic
Information Centre should likewise equip Muslims so that they should be at least equal to the task. Then we pray that God will let the discussions bear fruit. Through such discussions the truth, we pray, will become evident.