Just curious. No, go to hell: don't laugh!
There's folks from nations that are predominantly 'Roman Catholic'. There's folks from nations that are predominantly 'Protestant'.
Yet, there are those from 'said' Roman Catholic countries; I sit here and have to wonder, HOW 'athiestic' are they REALLY??
Yet, there are those from 'said' Protestant countries; I sit here and have to wonder, HOW 'athiestic' are they REALLY??
Just wondering.
Even though you are an athiest; in some countries where you supposedly type from; are you still more close to 'Rome' - as you are NOT Italian, in your bones, afterall?
Even though you are an athiest; in some countries where you supposedly type from; are you still more close to YOUR church - as you are NOT American, in your bones, afterall?
I've been watching this for years.
Coming from a mixed Irish-Catholic/Scottish Protestant and North American First Nations' mix - the ironies are almost worthy of a painting.
Yeah, right!
I've noticed the 'catholic athiest' versus 'protestant athiest' bullshit simmers...albiet differently; yet it is really the same! It's VERY interesting!
They don't believe in god/GOD - yet the 'before' mindset registers still.