Science can now "grow" new body parts for us.
If this is how we renew ourselves in the New System....then what is the price?
What new rules will there be? And what will the new punishments be for not meeting up to standards of perfection?
Suppose you "sin" in some manner. Does this mean you will be denied your new heart and you will have to suffer and die off?
Since man has not been able to learn to treat each other with respect and "do right", perhaps that is why this god will be stepping in to monitor everyone. In the New System, there will be concrete "evidence" of your sins. How? The eye in the sky. You will be tracked. You will be monitored. Your every conversation will be filtered through more ears. (Jehovahs shadow government is dictating to the officials who are already in place.) To bring this to reality, as a for instance, one of the bills to be passed before Bush is out of office calls for local law enforcement surveillence of citizens and their activities even though it does not relate to any crime. There will be notes and records and files on everyone...your habits and your associations.
What harm is that if you are doing nothing wrong? Maybe nothing, but it's creepy. Plus you don't know what kind of laws you may have in the new system. Maybe it will be like Kingdom Hall...bans on music, books, certain people...rules like being in attendance every day for a asskissing worship service....maybe sacrificing your children....who knows? You are bowing to a punishing god who has serious ego and temper problems.
Suppose you are in slavery of some sort in the New System? You already know Jehovah is a killing god and full of trickery and conditions. Can you imagine what might be in store for you if you choose to live forever under his dictates?
Could it be a curse to live forever in the new system? I think the scriptures say there will come a time when men seek death and it will escape them.