Where are all the Kiwis

by Black Sheep 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    When I first joined the forum, I was under the illusion that I was one of the few Kiwis that realised that I was a victim of a cult.

    In fact, I wasn't even too sure if it was an illusion.

    My idea of what constituted a cult was vague.

    Why is it that Kiwi ex-JWs are so reticent in coming out of the closet?????

    OK, I know the answer to that.... I don't openly publicise my name either.... I have family members that I want to get out before I get officially ID'd as an official member of Satan the Devil's army.

    C'mon cuzzies. Give us a call before the forum closes.


    Chris (real name)

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I think New Zealand is a reasonable smallish Island and it's hard to get lost and not see other Witnesses or lead a double life.....we went out last night and met many Witnesses in town who said hello....I feel it's hard to get away from these people if not impossible.....I just wanted to disapear of the radar but can't.

  • sweetstuff

    Watching footy? Hmm, I know of at least two kiwi posters, seems they've all gone awall on ya Black Sheep.

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