In the 60s, I remember the book study at my mothers house! It was a shocker when a new bible study came in with his wife and their three children, one a new born. Anyhow, we watched him beat the babies head with his fist. Afterwards, he would look at me and smile! I was a little girl in shock and was told to stay out of it. I did not stay out of it, I asked the pioneers what they were going to do about it! Anyhow, He also had beaten his older children who were about three and four. The elder's allowed the man and his wife to both get baptized. Can you imagine that! I lost my respect with the local Kingdom Hall at that time because this guy would beat his kids at the Kingdom Hall during meetings.
Also, I remember asking a pioneer who was a nurse, what can anyone do about the problem? I guess they reported him to social workers, but at that time there was not much the social workers could do because no one actually saw the man abuse his children. Sisters went over to see if they could help the wife. One time the guy had just thrown the oldest son down two levels of stairs which had about 25 steps each level. The little boy survived with a broken arm and was black and blue. I guess he was trying to protect his mother. Pioneers reported it to the authorities but still not enough proof.
The elders tried to help them with visiting pioneers who brought food, clothing, and prayers. Later, the elders told the pioneers to stay away from them because there was nothing they could do for them anymore, and people like that would eventually leave the meetings. Later, elders told him not to come back to the meetings because he was not willing to change.
Anyhow, years later the older little boy lived the rest of his life in a mental health institution because he was brain damaged due to physical abuse. The baby grew up and was in the same place brain damaged but not as bad as the older child. Rumor had it that someone in the family took the girl and she had a normal life. I heard she became a nurse she was the middle child.
Over the years, I saw that creepy man and his wife having lunch together downtown, but the wife was so gone that she was in a daze! I recalled the pioneers telling her story; prior to marrying her husband the wife had a worse life, and she claimed that he was the best thing that every happened to her and she would never leave him. She died from a heart attack and that man lived and had a longer life.
Anyhow, if I ever mention this family to anyone in the my family they don’t want to ever talk about it! I guess it brings back old memories.
Just thought I would share my whacky crazy Kingdom Hall! I think this was the worst case I ever saw at the Kingdom Hall.