I was just listening to a tape by Jay Hess ( former WT writer ) on Sixscreensofthewatchtower. In the beginning of the tape he talks about how he was disfellowshipped for worshiping Jesus. He goes on to talk about Heb 1:6 from earlier translations and the footnote from the Reference bible and the use of the word worship. What I found amazing is that he then goes on to talk about the WT Charter. I had no idea there even was one. He mentioned it is talked about in the Daniel book on page 178, also mentioned in Reasoning book on page 202. The amendment to this charter was recorded on Feb 27, 1945 and is still looked to today as fulfilling scripture. The amendment Volume 70 pages 171,172 7th subsection, section 2 says, and I am paraphrasing from the tape: the Charter is for ... public christian WORSHIP of Almighty God and CHRIST JESUS.
Can anyone get a scan of this charter?
The Claw.