A Place to Speak...Without Fear...Thanks
by room23043 8 Replies latest jw friends
Your more than welcome and yes you need not fear. We have all gone through the pain of leaving the Organization and some of us have suffered more, but no one judges another and we always have a soft spot for someone new. Don't be afraid of the dark or lonely places, come out into the light and know that so many of us have shared our lives here on this board. I have been here since 2001 but left the organization in 99 it took me awhile to find this site and it is the best site . It has help me so much to get the strength to keep searching for the answers to all the questions I had and the doubts I had were well founded as I quickly learned here in JWD. so once again Welcome to the forum. and of course the gang. Orangefatcat
I was DF for many years and have learned many things by so many who were DF and later by a term DA...which used to be used only for people who joined the military...I read many of the book by other who have left for all of the many reasons...The feeling that we were along was put to rest by the internet...I remember reading 30 years a Watchtower Slave back in the 50's with the pioneer brother who was also the Bible Study Servant and LOL as we read his points...But today one would not have Ray's book in the car while going in service...The Truth is always changing...Yes I like cake but No birthday cake...Bethel Service I learned it was OK to miss meeting if you were working in the factory and had to get the book on a ship in April to make the assemblies in Europe...Service to Jehovah at Bethel was more important that meeting...Working the support self and family was working for Jehovah...so OK to miss meeting...Did we serve Jehovah or the WTBTS...Learn from Bethel service that all kinds of people become JW and many leave each year...I know the mind set...Georgetown could be us. After turning 62...I left the city and broadcasting and full-time work...Smoking I was able to give up when I had my heart attack in 1995...That was the year I remarrid...We moved out of the city to another state and for whatever the real meaning to give the KH another return...Just like the friends inside and out so many are judgemental and I was never able to make to leap into another church...What a trip back when another congreagation must write to the congreation that DF you...So after going to the meeting for 1 year I got back...When with my children to the memorial in the congreagtion who DF me...My oh My we all gotten old... Starting that field service thing again...Gave my first TMS talk #5 or is it #4 after over 20 years and have readed the WT on Sunday...I have seen how most Elders don't get 10 hours in Service...We have mostly seniors and a few family in our small town KH...The Truth has not changed must but with the Governing Body...I has changed in so many ways...I has been interesting to see some of the people who were young, when I was young in Bethel, now are Vice-Presidents or even President of the many corp... I wanted to say thanks to all who had a part in helping...I have followed what many have done...Their are not many sites I vist...This was one if not the best...The other is randy site..TX randy... When going to Bethel it was required to sign a statment that you belived everthing the Watchtower published...I signed...But everything...give me a break...So tomorrow I go to the KH, listen and look up the scriptures, sing the songs, and will comment at the WT...thinking to my self the comments I read posted on this site...It is the only religion I know...That's my story and I am sticking to it... Room23043...
is there help out there
This is all you need to know,By grace you have been saved through faith, it is a gift of God-not because of works, lest any man boast {Eph. 2:8-9} Our good works do not save us. Everlasting life is not due to any worthiness on our part. Oue salvation is an undeserved gift of God. We can not remove our guilt by our obedience. Jesus` blood alone cleanses us from all sin {1 John 1:7}. Jesus alone saves, not Jesus and good works. Faith in God and Jesus will free from the WT.
So tomorrow I go to the KH, listen and look up the scriptures, sing the songs, and will comment at the WT...thinking to my self the comments I read posted on this site...It is the only religion I know...That's my story and I am sticking to it... Room23043...
You make a valid point and I can't argue with it. We are of the same generation - but I got out 35 years ago. It is sad, so sad to think of you sitting in endless meetings knowing what you know, but going through the motions, which is what you describe. There should be a graph that charts - age, years in, children, other family members in, family members out, spousal issues, etc., etc. It would show that each and every case is unique. It is easy to say that people should just jump ship and leave the bOrg - it isn't that easy when you consider all the ramifications.
Room 23043 - I will be thinking of you tomorrow when you sing the songs, comment on the WT, etc. Hang in, brother. You are understood and appreciated here. No matter how many years separate us, our struggle is EXACTLY the same.
is there help out there
The WT is not a Religion, it is a cult. What is stopping you from going to a real church, then you will find out what real religion is all about.
I can't believe you are going back after all those years of being out. You must be a guy who doesn't know how to make up his mind. After 20 years you want to go through the motions who are you kidding. Only yourself and what a waste of time. Think about it. All that drivel and indoctrination all over again and for what just something to do? Heck at a church there are so many wonderful people and activities to keep you busy for the rest of your life. And they believe in Christ and don't make up lies and then deny them when confronted. At least they have the guts to face the people of the parishes despite their mistakes and still have people understand. Who on earth can understand what JWs are doing from one minute to the next? Well lets see this week no blood transfusions are allowed, but we will allow a liver transplant, next week, no more transplants but you can have trace amounts of blood. No next month you can't do that either. Next year its that way and this way and on and on until you don't know what way is right or left or wrong. You need two witnesses to disfellowship a sexual deviant and who the hell will ever do that is beyond me, but hey we are talking the wTS here and what they say goes, not the Bible. so then young ones are exploited by predators and they are getting away with it. Barf and you want to go back. I think you need to re examine your priorities ,please do or you shall regret that. Why waste your life on something you don't believe in rather why not do something you believe in and be a very happy person. You will be one very unhappy JW.. That is how my brain would calculate it. I would never step foot in a KH again even if you offered me all the money in the world. I couldn't conscientiously go back into a place that protects paedophiles, and liars and deceivers and hypocrites and a organization that professes to walk in the foot steps of Christ Jesus and yes here we see Jesus going over to the library at the UN's to get a book on something for the latest awake or WT magazine which is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Aren't you ashamed to re join a corrupt organization that proclaimed their their innocence when in fact they were lying to the brothers and sisters. At least churches confessed when confronted with there sins but no not the watchtower society they tried to hide it and we all know why, because they think that in the true faith this sort of thing shouldn't happen. But it has and they can't accept it and as a result they will lose faet in the eyes of every JW and ex jw around the world and even more so in the eyes of God. How can you respect a group of men who profess they are God's spirit directed organization and at the same time lie to millions of people. Orangefatcat