High School Football.

by LouBelle 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    Being from SA, I know nothing about football, except for what I see up on the big screen. Is high school football that fanatical? Why is the game broken into quarters? What's the scoring system? Here in SA we play rugby, there are a few similarites, but we don't wear cages on our heads :)

  • Honesty

    This explains it better than I can:


  • insearchoftruth

    Hi LouBelle,

    The fanatacism for the game tends to vary by state and area in the state, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas have HUGE football fan support.....I live in the Hampton Roads Virginia area and we have great football players, but not very much fan support, which is a shame, cause the games are great!

  • JimmyPage

    Six points for a touchdown. One point for kicking an extra point after the touchdown. Three points for kicking a field goal. Two points for a safety. Yes, it is wildly popular- especially in Texas. And deservedly so. American football is the greatest achievement in mankind's long history.

  • LouBelle

    hmmm okay - I knew it had rugby roots. I also didn't realise it was played outside the USA.

  • insearchoftruth


    A lot of the colleges in Canada have american football teams and there is a professional league in Canada as well. Also, it is starting to gain a bit of popularity in Europe as well.

  • is there help out there
    is there help out there

    It is like sex. The 1st quater you meet her, The 2qt you date her, The 3qt you cop a feel, the 4qt you go all the way. Thats called a Tuchdown. There are certain variation along the way feel goal, safety, extra point.

  • jaguarbass

    If your from south Africa.

    Football is probably soccer.

    Which is more popular in Europe than the US.

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