How about giving Brooklyn a months notice.

by edmond dantes 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    In light of the new disfellowship guide lines which are there to protect the combined asses of the Governing Body will they be announcing from the platform the names of reinstated ones as and when it happens and how will these new rules from gestapo H.Q. apply to the ones who can't make their mind up whether it's the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth ?

    Will there be a get out clause for the now you see them now you don't believers because this happens to many many people while the penny makes it's slow drop?

    I don't know why they don't make some arrangement whereby a person has to give formal notice ,a months notice for example, after all it's just one big commercial enterprise otherwise known as the Crazy Cult Book Club. Then the misguided could always reapply for their old jobs back if they felt the urge to "place" more pulp fiction up and down the streets.

  • lawrence

    The least I was asked for as a kid, when I had a paper route, was a months notice.

    And maybe the publisher can send back all of his/her WT stuff FED EX C.O.D. Tons of literature COD to Ted's attention.

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