Okay, I already told yall the one about slamming the door on the Christmas carolers,
* http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=16654&site=3
I have another one for you.
One December afternoon back in the late 1980’s my mom and I were looking out of my back sliding glass doors.
We could see a Santa Clause sneaking around the side of my neighbor’s house and then he climbed into their house through a bedroom window.
We thought we were seeing a burglary in progress!
We thought of the neighborhood watch programs and decided it was our duty to report this crime.
I called the police and described this “evil” Santa and about 30 minutes later the doorbell rang and there were two policemen on my porch.
They tell me they checked out my report and found that my neighbors were just having a Christmas party and Santa was sneaking in to surprise the children!
I was so nosey and ignorant!
I had to go over later that week and apologize for calling the police on them and try to convince them I was just concerned for my neighbors and I really did them a favor.