Revolution in Iceland

by cameo-d 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    REYKJAVIK, Iceland: Thousands of Icelanders marked the 90th anniversary of their nation’s sovereignty with angry protest Monday, and several hundred stormed the central bank to demand the ouster of bankers they blame for the country’s spectacular economic meltdown.

    Tiny Iceland has seen its banks and currency collapse in just a few weeks while prices and unemployment soar — leaving a country regarded as a model of Scandinavian prosperity in a state of shock.

    “The government played roulette and the whole nation has lost,”

    Anti-government protests have been growing larger and angrier since Iceland’s three main banks collapsed in October under the weight of huge debts amassed during years of rapid economic growth.

    Will all global reaction to this world wide economic crisis eventually follow suit?

    Do you see other nations behaving any differently?

    Do you see some government plan of salvation ahead?

  • slimboyfat

    I see other countries following Iceland in a downward spiral. The UK is similarly exposed due to the collapse of financial sevices, as is Switzerland.

    Let's just hope this economic crisis does not lead to world war which would be catastrophic for everyone.

  • digderidoo

    I watched a report a couple of weeks, where they interviewed an Icelandic economic acedemic. He said the source of the Icelandic problem, lay with roughly 20 individual bankers. Obviously the government didn't give enough protection, but in a capitalist society and with the freedom of the markets, bankers have to hold their hands up and accept some sort of blame. Yet we have instances where countries now are bailing out the bankers. Which in my view is reverse Socialism, in Socialism money is taken from the rich and given to the poor, now we have the farsical situation where money is being taken from the poor and given to the rich.

    Just my rant


  • Robdar
  • Gregor

    Back to Cod fishing! It has always been the stable resource in Iceland and, indeed, it was the huge income from Cod exports that helped establish Icelands banks . They are tough, resourceful people and they will weather this crises.

  • lfcviking

    Well i live in nearby Norway, and there is absouloutely no sign of anything like that happeneing here.

    Maybe it's because it is such a rich country here?!...


  • Gregor

    Norway better be a rich country. What a great little Socialist paradise! Wish I were a Norweejun.

  • buffalosrfree

    revolution is it a bad thing? to quote Ronald Reagan (spelling) "goverment takes from the needy and gives to the greedy" Sound likes just what is happening in this country does it not? We have our childrens and grandchildrens heritage sold to bail out the greedy, nothing it seems ever changes!!!

  • lfcviking
    Norway better be a rich country. What a great little Socialist paradise! Wish I were a Norweejun

    Well theres plently of your countrymen over here pal. They must be able to smell the oil from across the atlantic.

    And i not a Norweejun, i am eeengllliiiiiishhhhh,


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