I was thinking of my JW relatives. Before my husband and I was dissocated, my brother in law was begining to have doubts about the JW religion. We did not know this at the time. After we walked away, an aunt told us. But let me go on. When we told him of our decision to leave he got all rightious, and very judgemental. He said that he was going to tell the elders on us, so we would get df'd. And he was true to his word, before we even told the elders our decision they had already been contacted by him.
Now to the part of where I was wondering. Lets say in another 20 or 30 years when we are getting older, assuming we don't die of some cause. That would put my brother in law around 60 years old, and a grand parent. And the same goes for all my other JW relatives. I just wonder what they will be thinking when the "end" is not here yet. And they are growing old, and all those who was not suppose to die, has already died. And those who are not suppose to get old, has grown old. I just wonder if they would come to their right mind, or if they will still be stubbernly hanging on to their religion. I just wonder what the will be thinking, when it dawns on them they have been living a lie?.