Radon testing your home?

by Snoozy 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snoozy

    Has anyone here ever tested their house for radon gasses? It is some nasty stuff it looks like.

    I am getting ready to buy a as is condo and it is on the ground floor..I don't know why but something tells me to get a radon test on it. I saw you can get the kits for $10. or $20. but closing is in two weeks and the short test takes 2 weeks...

    Anyone know what is envolved?...I could probably put off closing but it is such a good deal they may back out.


  • StAnn

    When I bought my home, I had the home inspection company do a radon test. We had "safe" levels. They leave the radon collector open for 24 hours and the doors/windows to the home can't be opened or closed in that 24 hours. It took close to a week to get the results.

    In today's real estate market, most sellers are so thrilled to have any buyer. Talk to your realtor. If you had in the contract that your offer was subject to inspection, waiting for the results of the radon test is part of that inspection and should protect you.


  • iceguy

    I have heard that those beautiful granite counter tops have been a source for giving off radon.

  • RR

    We did when we purchased our current home a few years ago, basement had radon, so we installed a little gadget and it takes care of it!


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