Was your Kingdom Hall ever broken into or vandalized?
Many years ago, around 1991 or 92, our Kingdom Hall was broken into. We had just purchased this heavy duty file cabinet, it was fire proof, smash proof, you name it, at least that's what we were told, this baby cost us over $900.00. The contents had ALL publisher files and BOE's and every other "For Elder's Eyes Only" documents.
Needless to say, someone broke in, a couple of old time pioneers who had the keys to the hall came in one early Saturday morning, I arrived a few minutes later from Bethel (I was Literature Servant) and the police were there. That $900.00 file cabinet was ripped apart like a can of sardines. Files, papers, talk outlines, letters all over the place. We were told nothing was missing. The works of "apostates"? who knows!