When I visited my mum, Pioneer family would complain about brother M_____ who just brought 2 new Toyota Camry's...Brother N_____ who keeps changing to bigger houses. The Brothers family are all Pioneers and seem fixated on meterial things! I'm asked every time I fly down. "What type of car are you driving now." {They update constantly / I have the same car for 9 years} They live in a shabby unit with 2 bedrooms and rent out their house in another state at a loss....for the kingdom. They Ohhhh and AHHHH at all the new mod. cons. you can buy. They serve Jah and then envy everyone else.
Jehovah's Witnesses are the most Meterialistic people on the planet!
by Witness 007 5 Replies latest jw experiences
What I have seen is more of them have crap. They choose to be poor so they can spend more time out in field circus or give to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. And they then get crap everything (from bed linens to kitchen equipment to cars to furniture--bargain basement prices for things that do not last). Eventually, they break, forcing them to get more crap.
Better to spend the money on good things up front. That way, the things last much longer, and you end up spending much less in the long run. And you get to give away that much less junk that has little or no residual value (of course, you forfeit the opportunity to look generous). From those ugly suits that make you look like crap, to furniture that will not hold an average sized adult (they are sized for adults) without wobbling excessively, to linens that wear out after 6 months, to flimsy everything--it's all for show.
Materialistic or not, I advise buying into quality. Do not waste the money buying things that are not going to do a good job or that are going to break in a few months (just so you can give them away and make yourself look good in the process). You will probably be repeating the purchase a lot less, and then will look that much less materialistic (and can give to legitimate charities or to people that are in need) if you have extra money looking for a home.
I will admit to being materialistic.Thats why I work my ass off.
What is hypocritical is the envy and jealousy directed at you by dubs when you achieve a measure of material possessions.
The Elders in my hall almost avoid me. Not that I'm complaining.
Does make you question the whole brotherly love, natural affection claim. -
What is the desire of JW's that they promote:
Good health, housing, plenty of food, etc... in the future Whether all of your desires are on having "good things" in the future or the present makes no difference, it is still materialism. -
And the watchtower society is not materialistic? Then why are they constantly buying more real estate? Why do they keep spending tons of money renovating kingdom halls that don't need renovation? Why do they buy a new carpet, new chairs, new podium, new tiles, new bathroom fixtures instead of putting in a wheelchair ramp so the old people who make the donations can actually attend once in a while?
JWs called me "materialistic" but I don't believe in spending my limited resources on junk. I insist on quality, because I can't afford to be replacing junk all the time. I'll buy something good the first time, take care of it, and it lasts a long time.
Homerovah the Almighty
The hypocrisy within the Kingdom halls and the organization in a whole is obvious, for as a example the account overseer in
my old hall wore the most expensive suits and always drove a brand new Cadillac or Mercedes.
One time he actually gave a talk once on materialism and its evils of pursuing wealth