Dealbreaker?...WT to reinstitute concubine arrangement???

by oompa 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    Well THAT would get me back to the meetings!! I would even go in service regularly. Actually my point is that I asked an elder/friend of mine this question the other day, "What would it take for you to think JW's were wrong? What if they brought back the concubine arrangement since there are so many more sisters than think that would be a dealbreaker for your wife?

    See, he knows my dealbreaker was discovering that WT has changed the NWT Bible in many many ways and are very deceptive about this fact...and he accepts that fact too. So I asked him what would it take for him? "What if FDS says that pedophiles should all be shown mercy and that under no circumstances should they ever be turn over to the authorities since it would bring reproach on Jehovah"...would that do it?

    I think all JW's have a dealbreaker...and some of them do not even know that the deal that would do it for them is already in find it and let them know..............oompa

  • yknot

    I agree .....

    But of course the WTS has their own dealbreaker....... shut-up or we take your family.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini


    That's a great way to get people thinking. As you know, one of the effects of cult mind control is that followers never really let their mind question the organization they are part of. You are helping open that door for people.

    Once I started questioning the WT, it became obvious to me it was a scam and I wondered how I ever could have believed it. All people have to do to find their way out is honestly ask the questions. The WT positions are so weak that mind control is the only way they can retain their membership.

    You're getting that conversation stated for people. Keep it up!

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