Sadistic Torturer Eunice SpryThe recollections of three people who spend two decades in the care of foster mother Eunice Spry, wh... |
TV presentation about the Sadistic Torturer, Eunice Spry. Recollections of three people who spent two decades in her care
by AndersonsInfo 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Jehovah's Witness Sadistic Torturer Eunice Spry -
Newly Enlightened
Hi Barbara, the link isn't working. -
Victims of sadistic Tewkesbury mum Eunice Spry to tell their story on TV's Britain's Darkest Taboos
By Gloucestershire Echo | Posted: March 13, 2015
Comments (0)Her crimes shocked Britain and now the distressing story of sadistic Gloucestershire mum Eunice Spry it to be told from the point of view of her victims on national television.
Spry has been released after serving seven years of a 12 year jail sentence for a catalogue of child abuse offences against her two foster children and adopted daughter Victoria.
Vile Spry, 70, who lived in Tewkesbury, routinely beat and abused the terrified youngsters, forcing them to drink bleach and urine, and to stand naked and cold for hours on end among other punishments.
Convicted in 2005 of 26 counts of child abuse, she was released last June and her victims are to tell their story on Sunday night in Britain's Darkest Taboos: Two Decades of Torture By The Woman We Called Mum on TV channel CI.
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Publicity for the programme said: "The programme will be the first time all three victims have formally told their story together.Includes interviews with: Victoria Spry (victim), Christopher Spry (victim) and Alloma Gilbert (victim).
"The three youngsters suffered for years at the hands of someone who was meant to protect them.
"Victoria, in particular, has had lasting damage from the ordeal, with surgery needed to mend the hearing in one ear from being repeatedly kicked by Spry and veneers fitted after her front teeth were knocked out."
rip van winkle
Thank you, Barbara.
The video was fine. I didn't check your link I clicked on the video.
Sadistic Torturer Eunice Spry.:
oops...I see rip has it...