Are the american authorities covering up what they know about ufos.And perhaps the existence of other beings.
Researching lately old newspapers on the net i came across a lot of material reporting sightings of ufos all starting in or around 1947 and all in America.Some crashed some openly landed in a park and pictures were took.And america created and expermented with disc shaped craft such as the famous Avro car.But they denied that they continued with the projects and that ufo sightings had anything to do with them.Here is some articled :,2264834,4247125&dq=flying+disc
Earlier reports in America from before 1947 say that the classic glowing balls of light that pilots saw in ww2 commonly known as foo fighters were in fact Secret Nazi tecnlogy.
At the end of the 2nd world war the American government smuggled in thousands of Nazi scientists into america under operation paperclip.One of these was the famous DR von Braun who built the 1st V2 Rocket.
I have always had an intrest in ufos right from when i was little.But seeing this evidence i conclude that ufos were created most probably by the nazis and America used Nazi scientists to continue there progress.As for where the Nazis got this stuff from that might be a more shocking story perhaps!
What do you think ?