If you were buying a car and the salesman told you, "Listen, there are a lot of bad things being said about this car on the internet. But take my word for it, this is a good car. Whatever you do, don't check out what's being said online", would you follow his instructions?
If you were buying a car...
by JimmyPage 8 Replies latest jw friends
Witness 007
Jimmy, if you can't trust Witnesses and Car salesman who can you trust....
No, I wouldn't, but some people would.
I knew a woman who was looking for a used car, and decided to but a Chevy Corsica, because "there were a lot of them for sale in the newspaper, so it must be a good car".
Sorry, ladies, true story.
For any major purchase - and some minor ones - I always check the internet for opinions. I also check consumerreports.org
I never go with any single opinion, especially when it's coming from someone who stands to earn a commission from my purchase.
I wouldn't listen to car salesmen, witnesses or politicians. Definately get opinions from other owners of the same vehicle or check consumer reports.
I have about 2 payments left on my 2004 pickup.(payoff 8 months early) I considered buying another new truck, but with the economy and job security the way it is I think I'll wait another year or two.
The Missus
Great analogy Jimmy - I'm going to use that one
seeking help
even better..
guy knocks on your door to sell u a car, but i,m happy with my old car. no your not..your car is bad and will cause you to die in a terrible accident. if you by this car it will be the last car you ever buy. although many have bought the car and it sucked... don't talk to them and don't ask any question about the car except from the salesman. if the salesman said something about the car last year it may or may not still be true. so only believe what he says currently. if you see this car broken down on the street don't ask the person whose stuck what they think. its not the cars fault its the driver. always the drivers. and once you buy this car and decide you don't like it.. too bad.. your stuck or we will take your family and friends away from you..
i would rather walk..
Hillarious analogy! I was car shopping last week, and was all prepared to give you my advice...and wham! you gave me the perfect thing to use next time my wife gives me that "why it's the truth" sh&*! thanx!!!