What is so wrong with independent thinking?

by sunscapes 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunscapes


    you said in http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=16879&page=2&site=3

    It's almost like my soul and mind wanted to grow but couldn't because of the JW limitations. I wanted to reach out and make a difference with human kind, but we were warned of "bad association" in the world. I think human beings have the natural desire to love and connect with others, but the WTS prevented you from doing that by limiting who you associated with. I was eager to learn, but was told college was bad as another Watchtower was shoved in my face to read. And above all, it was the lack of individuality. As many of you said, you weren't allowed to have your own thought, opinions and consciences.
    After I read this, I came to realize something. As you said, we were constantly warned of the "bad association" drawing us down. Unfortunately, for the sake of "unity" many are counselled against "worldly" activities, all for the sake of this "dangerous" independence. Yet you mentioned how we all have an innate desire to love, grow and share. I got to thinking, how can all this be reconciled? Then I thought of how many times it was taught that Satan induced the first parents to have a "spirit of independence" and to sin against god; apparently for the purpose of being "like God".

    I don't think that independent thinking IN AND OF ITSELF is negative at all; rather it enhances spirituality and faith! What Satan wanted was not his to receive anyway; we all have to live within limitations of our dimensions and universe and physical laws, etc. However, the independent spirit led him ONE STEP FURTHER in trying to usurp universal authority. Regrettably, the WTS has all this time taken this to mean forsaking ALL independent thought whatsoever, as the extreme (translate human tendency) comes to the fore in dealing with what basically is a non-issue (unless you aspire to be God). Moreover, in the ever-pressing quest to achieve so-called unity, many creative thinkers and talented humans have been sacrificed at that altar! (esp. in many fundamentalist-type organizations). A waste of talent, creativity, love and raw brain-power have been the result; replaced by hate, uniformity and monotony. This surely works AGAINST God's purposes for the human race, and works AGAINST human evolution into more effective beings in this universe.

  • Room 215
    Room 215


    ``Nothing" in a word, especially since the alternative is to let someone else do your thinking for you..

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Room 215,

    excellent answer, which it is very appropriate

    in the case of the WTBS Inc.:

    "....to let someone else do your thinking for you.. "
    That is exactly what they want to do !

    Quite a while ago, I did post something similar

    with various quote about this. They - WTBS -print

    something but act contrary even to their own teaching

    and writings.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

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