Do the JWS realize they have the blood of children covering their hands ?

by Homerovah the Almighty 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Its a hypothetical suggestion but its one worth consideration, its interesting when you discuss the blood issue with a JW that it seems

    that they are in complete denial that BT have save millions of peoples lives since its been instituted as a medical practice for the last 50 years.

    Perhaps its because of their indoctrination that they can't think clearly on the subject, the fear takes over and what you hear from them is the most stupid of things.

    This situation in my opinion if the biggest of crimes this false cult as imprinted into the minds of its followers.

    When these assholes told people that receiving an organ transplant was evil and then reversing that decision latter on just reeks of corruption.

    A powerful organization like this which does not have any forbearing authority governing over its actions is a very dangerous organization indeed !

  • VM44

    Go further back to The Watchtower's ban on vaccinations.

    Clayton Woodworth had blood on his hands for the nonsense he put forth concerning vaccinations.

    But did he ever recognize or accept responsibility for the pain, sufferring and probable deaths that resulted from his crazy ramblings?

    No, he didn't. He didn't even realize he was wrong.

    The Watchtower and everything from it and about it is worthless.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Its a deadly game of power that places everyone at risk isn't it, but when a parent chooses death over life of their child just to support a

    deviously constructive organization of ignorance , man there is something really wrong with that, ignorance and power makes for a bad combination.

  • aniron

    I have always viewed those JWs who have died because they refused blood as nothing more that human sacrifices.

    Thw WT have always condemned past pagan religions who practised human sacrifice. Even pointing out that Jehovah condemns such a practice.

    Yet telling members that they must die, to please Jehovah, when there is no need to. Is a form of human sacrifice.

  • kurtbethel

    The organization has knowingly taken on bloodguilt with its death dealing doctrines. Anyone who joins the organization is just like someone who joins a gang of cutthroats, in that they knowingly assume the bloodguilt by being supportive of it.

    That is certainly a sobering thought.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    When I found out they reversed their view on Organ Transplants it blew me away! How does something go from "Cannabalism" to "conscience matter."

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    If you want to keep the power of god in your hands you have to play with it a little, more or less flip it from one hand to another ,

    I just get pissed off when I've seen what these power playing assholes have done to people, particularly innocent children

    The biggest power with no one to regulate what they say and do, no wonder they have created so much damage and despair.

  • watson
    How does something go from "Cannabalism" to "conscience matter."

    The same way the "generation" goes from meaning the annointed on earth, to the witnesses old enough to have seen and understand 1914, to the wicked generation of mankind alive during the last days, to the annointed on earth again. It just makes sense.

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